Doris(原百度 Palo)是一款基于大规模并行处理技术的分布式 SQL 数据库,由百度在 2017 年开源,2018 年 8 月进入 Apache 孵化器。
2022-03-01 16:26:35 3.64MB 百度 palo doris iteblog
In this talk, we will highlight major efforts happening in the Spark ecosystem. In particular, we will dive into the details of adaptive and static query optimizations in Spark 3.0 to make Spark easier to use and faster to run. We will also demonstrate how new features in Koalas, an open source library that provides Pandas-like API on top of Spark, helps data scientists gain insights from their data quicker.
2021-08-25 09:26:58 12.3MB Spark Delta Koalas iteblog
Delta Lake: HighPerformance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores
2021-03-09 17:00:49 350KB Spark Delta Lake iteblog