基础设施即代码(IAC),Zalando Postgres Operator 简介.doc
2022-07-13 18:06:44 852KB 技术资料
基础设施即代码(IAC),Zalando Postgres Operator UI 入门.doc
2022-07-10 09:09:32 1.04MB 技术资料
2021-07-20 16:48:02 3MB 播放器
IAC-335x-Kit资料包括 测试程序 使用手册 原理图 IAC-335x-Kit 嵌入式开发板/评估板Linux开发环境等等
2021-06-12 13:13:48 8.58MB IAC-335x-Kit
Over 90 practical, actionable recipes to automate, test, and manage your infrastructure quickly and effectively About This Book Bring down your delivery timeline from days to hours by treating your server configurations and VMs as code, just like you would with software code. Take your existing knowledge and skill set with your existing tools (Puppet, Chef, or Docker) to the next level and solve IT infrastructure challenges. Use practical recipes to use code to provision and deploy servers and applications and have greater control of your infrastructure. Who This Book Is For This book is for DevOps engineers and developers working in cross-functional teams or operations and would now switch to IAC to manage complex infrastructures. What You Will Learn Provision local and remote development environments with Vagrant Automate production infrastructures with Terraform, Ansible and Cloud-init on AWS, OpenStack, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, and more Manage and test automated systems using Chef and Puppet Build, ship, and debug optimized Docker containers Explore the best practices to automate and test everything from cloud infrastructures to operating system configuration In Detail Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is a key aspect of the DevOps movement, and this book will show you how to transform the way you work with your infrastructure―by treating it as software. This book is dedicated to helping you discover the essentials of infrastructure automation and its related practices; the over 90 organized practical solutions will demonstrate how to work with some of the very best tools and cloud solutions. You will learn how to deploy repeatable infrastructures and services on AWS, OpenStack, Google Cloud, and Digital Ocean. You will see both Ansible and Terraform in action, manipulate the best bits from cloud-init to easily bootstrap instances, and simulate consistent environments locally or remotely using Vagrant. You will discover how to automate and test a range of sys
2021-06-03 14:48:16 7.06MB IAC DevOps
自助服务基础架构代码 概括 支持自助服务框架的基础结构代码。 特征
2021-03-16 09:17:30 15KB HCL
前2 从您现有的AWS资源生成CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere模板 总览 Former2允许您从AWS账户中的现有资源生成“基础结构即代码”输出。 通过使用AWS JavaScript SDK进行相关调用,Former2将扫描您的基础架构,并向您显示资源列表,供您选择为其生成输出的资源。 安装 尽管不需要它,但您需要安装Former2 Helper浏览器扩展才能获得对所有AWS服务的支持。 扩展的存在是为了绕过某些服务(例如S3和IAM)缺少CORS。 或者,您可以自己扩展。 用法 访问开始。 您将需要一个以验证您的请求。 如果您不打算直接导入资源,建议您仅使用这些凭据提供读访问权限,并建议您分配策略。 如果打算使用导入功能,则应授予适当的权限来创建堆栈。 通过身份验证后,您可以通过仪表板或侧边栏导航到特定服务,选择要添加到输出中的资源,最后单击屏幕顶部的“生成”按钮。 当前支持以下输出: 云形成 地貌 对流层 CDK(Cfn基元)-TypeScript,Python,Java,C# CDK for Terraform-Ty
2021-02-01 23:08:12 48.23MB aws cloudformation terraform iac