Create a fully featured application that’s both sophisticated and engaging. This book provides a detailed guide in developing augmented reality games that can take advantage of the advanced capabilities of new iOS devices and code while also offering compatibility with still supported legacy devices. No programming experience is necessary as this book begins on the ground floor with basic programming concepts in Unity and builds to incorporating input from the real world to create interactive realities. You’ll learn to program with the Unity 2017 development platform using C#. Recent announcements of increased AR capabilities on the latest iPhones and iPads show a clear dedication on Apple’s part to this emerging market of immersive games and apps. Unity 2017 is the latest version of this industry leading development platform and C# is a ubiquitous programming language perfect for any programmer to begin with. Using the latest development technologies, Beginning iOS AR Game Development will show you how to program games that interact directly with the real world environment around the user for creative fantastic augmented reality experiences.
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22节iPad清新治愈质感插画课程是一个以创造美丽和平静的插图作品为目标的课程。通过学习iPad绘画技巧和色彩运用,参与者将掌握创作独特风格的能力,表达内心的宁静和治愈感。这门课程旨在带给你一种放松和快乐的绘画体验,并注重培养创意思维和想象力。无需绘画基础,适合所有对艺术有兴趣的人。 视频大小:4.4G
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本软件是一款高仿iPad滑动锁屏工具,不同的是它可以用于我们日常使用的Windows系统,可设置自动锁屏时间及密码,赶快让您的Windows也滑动解锁吧。更新日志: 更新日志 Ver13.02.05: 1,修复有时滑块不归位的BUG. 2,修复锁屏过程中可以拉动滑块的BUG. 3,优化程序界面,滑块更细腻. Ver13.02.04: 1,添加任务栏图标双击立即锁屏. 2,添加自动锁屏设置. 3,添
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