http-ping是一个小型的,免费的,易于使用的Windows命令行实用程序,它可以探测给定的URL并显示相关的统计信息。 它与流行的ping工具类似,但是通过HTTP / S而不是ICMP工作,并且使用URL而不是计算机名/ IP地址。 http-ping支持IPv6地址。 http-ping提供了一组丰富的命令行选项,可以通过运行“http-ping.exe /?”来查看。从DOS提示符下: http-ping [-t] [-n count] [-i interval] [-f file-name] [-s] [-v] [-q] [-c] [-r] [-w timeout] [-p] [-d] [-o data | -of file-name] [-ua user-agent] [-h header-line] [-e | -et | -eb] [-ipv4 | -ipv6] URL Where: URL The URL you wish to check. For example,,, or http://www.yourhost:8080. Be sure to surround an IPv6 address with square brackets. For example, http://[2a00:1450:4007:800::1014]. Options: -t Ping the specified URL until stopped. To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break; To stop - type Control-C. -n count Send 'count' requests. Supercedes -t. -i interval Wait 'interval' seconds between each request. There is a 1-second wait if this option is not specified. -f file-name Save responses to file 'file-name'. Please specify the full path, and use quotes around file names with spaces. -s Silent. Print no output. -v Verbose. Print detailed output. Supercedes -s. -q Quick. Perform HTTP HEAD requests instead of GETs. This will retrieve headers only, and bytes reported will be 0. -c Perform a full connection on each request; ignore keep-alive. -r Follow HTTP redirects. -w timeout Wait 'timeout' seconds for a response before timing out. Specify 0 to avoid timing out. If not specified, the default timeout is 30 seconds. -p Use the proxy defined in the Windows Internet settings. -d Print the date and time of each ping attempt. -o data Perform HTTP POSTs sending the given data. Please enclose the data in quotes if it contains spaces. -of file-name Perform HTTP POSTs sending the contents of file 'file-name'. Please specify the full path, and use quotes if the file name contains spaces. -ua user-agent Set the User-Agent value to 'user-agent'. Please use quotes if the value contains spaces. -h header-line Pass the given header line as-is in each ping request. For example, add a host header like this: -h \"Host:\" Be sure to surround the header-line with quotes. You can specify multiple instances of this option. -e Instead of returning the percentage of requests that succeeded, return the HTTP status code of the last request, or 0 if the last request failed. -et Instead of returning the percentage of requests that succeeded, return the time taken (in milliseconds) by the last request, or 0 if the last request failed. -eb Instead of returning the percentage of requests that succeeded, return the number of bytes transferred by the last request, or 0 if the last request failed. -ipv4 Force IPv4 resolution for dual-stacked sites. -ipv6 Force IPv6 resolution for dual-stacked sites.
2022-03-23 10:48:35 649KB http-ping