Recent developments in laser scanning technologies have provided innovative solutions for acquiring three-dimensional (3D) point clouds about road corridors and its environments. Unlike traditional field surveying, satellite imagery, and aerial photography, laser scanning systems offer unique solutions for collecting dense point clouds with millimeter accuracy and in a reasonable time. The data acquired by laser scanning systems empower modeling road geometry and delineating road design parameters such as slope, superelevation, and vertical and horizontal alignments. These geometric parameters have several geospatial applications such as road safety management. The purpose of this book is to promote the core understanding of suitable geospatial tools and techniques for modeling of road traffic accidents by the state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) approaches such as neural networks (NNs) and deep learning (DL) using traffic information and road geometry delineated from laser scanning data. Data collection and management in databases play a major role in modeling and developing predictive tools. Therefore, the first two chapters of this book introduce laser scanning technology with creative explanation and graphical illustrations and review the recent methods of extracting geometric road parameters. The third and fourth chapters present an optimization of support vector machine and ensemble tree methods as well as novel hierarchical object-based methods for extracting road geometry from laser scanning point clouds. Information about historical traffic accidents and their circumstances, traffic (volume, type of vehicles), road features (grade, superelevation, curve radius, lane width, speed limit, etc.) pertains to what is observed to exist on road segments or road intersections. Soft computing models such as neural networks are advanced modeling methods that can be related to traffic and road features to the historical accidents and generates regression equations that can be used in various phases of road safety management cycle. The regression equations produced by NN can identify unsafe road segments, estimate how much safety has changed following a change in design, and quantify the effects of road geometric features and traffic information on road safety. This book aims to help graduate students, professionals, decision makers, and road planners in developing better traffic accident prediction models using advanced neural networks.
2023-03-22 16:49:12 8.29MB neural networks deep learning
Highway Traffic Videos 数据集是由香港城市大学提供,解压后共 88 M(推荐使用百度网盘下载),数据集中包含同一路段的 254 个监控片段,分为训练集与测试集。 描述文件中包含文件名、日期、时间戳、行车方向、天气、起始帧、总帧数、拥堵评级、备注等关键信息。 其中,天气分为:overcast(灰蒙蒙)、clear(晴朗)、rain(下雨); 拥堵评级分为:light(轻度拥堵)、medium(中度拥堵)和 heavy(重度拥堵)
2022-07-13 11:05:03 60.35MB 数据集
可用于UnityVR开发,3D游戏开发,高清天空盒子Skybox素材,游戏环境背景素材,无水印。 让你身临其境的天空盒子,各类题材丰富,都是辛苦搜罗所得的高清exr格式,可以直接用于Unity开发,特别是VR游戏的开发。 内景、外景、城市、乡间、日出,夜晚,欧式宫殿,中式园林,应有尽有,可以在我的下载频道选择需要的下载。 注意,由于是高清,所以体积较大(大的可以达到500M),请下载前预留合适的空间。 使用方法: 1-导入Unity后将图片的Shape转换成cube形式, 2-创建空Material,并转换成Cube/skybox形式, 3-将图片拖入新建的SkyboxMaterial, 4-用刚创建的Material代替项目中原本的系统默认Skybox
2022-05-06 18:14:48 296.33MB vr unity 天空盒子 skybox
2022-03-17 10:27:56 7KB Python
vanet-highway 的代码说明文档,html格式。 用于在NS3下仿真车辆间通信。 注意:不是教程。
2021-12-15 22:26:28 90KB vanet highway
高速公路环境 自动驾驶和战术决策任务的环境集合 高速公路环境中可用环境之一的一集。 环境 高速公路 env = gym . make ( "highway-v0" ) 在这项任务中,自我车辆正在一条多车道高速公路上行驶,该高速公路上挤满了其他车辆。 代理的目标是达到高速,同时避免与相邻车辆发生碰撞。 在道路右侧行驶也有奖励。 高速公路-v0 环境。 合并 env = gym . make ( "merge-v0" ) 在这项任务中,自我车辆从主干道开始,但很快就会接近路口,进入坡道上的车辆。 代理现在的目标是保持高速,同时为车辆腾出空间,以便它们可以安全地并入交通。 merge-v0 环境。 迂回 env = gym . make ( "roundabout-v0" ) 在此任务中,自我车辆是否接近交通流量较大的环形交叉路口。 它将自动遵循其计划路线,但必须处理车
通用建模网络规范(GMNS) Volpe / FHWA与合作。 通用建模网络规范(GMNS)为共享可路由的道路网络文件定义了一种通用的人机可读格式。 它设计用于多模式静态和动态运输计划和运营模型。 如何使用GMNS? 阅读以了解GMNS格式。 看一下我们的,包括高速公路立交,多式联运城市网络的一部分和小城市。 建立并测试您自己的小型网络。 我们在Python和R中提供了用于和基本工具。 GMNS概述 0.91版包含用于静态模型的以下功能: 配置信息和使用定义。 节点和链接文件,建立可路由的网络。 对于动态模型,此版本包括以下可选的附加功能: 一个段文件,其信​​息将覆盖链接的一部分的特征。 车道文件,用于分配路权的部分。 车道包括机动车辆使用的行驶车道。 它们还可以可选地包括自行车道,停车道和路肩。 一个segment_lane文件,用于指定其他车道,掉线的车道或链
2021-04-01 23:25:00 19.67MB network specification road-network highway-network
游戏截图 Unity3D赛车类型游戏源码 Highway Racer v2.2 C#脚本 运行环境:Unity 5.5.2或以上 仅学习使用,请不要商用
2019-12-21 20:23:08 94.83MB Unity3D
2014-07-12 00:00:00 1.44MB vanet highway xml