DB - aurora - Design Considerations for High Throughput Cloud-Native Relational Databases.pdf Amazon Aurora is a relational database service for OLTP workloads offered as part of Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this paper, we describe the architecture of Aurora and the design considerations leading to that architecture. We believe the central constraint in high throughput data processing has moved from compute and storage to the network. Aurora brings a novel architecture to the relational ...
2022-07-12 09:06:51 1.34MB 数据库 云原生
2022-01-09 20:07:41 2.22MB FPGA 深度学习 硬件加速
呼叫者 关于 ProtoCaller是一个Python库,可实现GROMACS中相对蛋白质-配体结合自由能计算的受控自动化。 ProtoCaller使用多种工具来自动化自由能计算过程,例如:Biopython,BioSimSpace,CHARMM-GUI,(可选)Modeller,Open Babel,ParmEd,PDB2PQR,pdbfixer,RDKit。 ProtoCaller可以在Linux和macOS上运行。 安装简便,可通过Conda执行。 请检查其他部分以获取更多信息。 安装 该程序包通过Conda分发。 要安装它,请运行以下命令: conda install -c conda-forge -c omnia -c michellab -c essexlab protocaller 可以使用以下命令安装开发版本(请谨慎使用): conda install -c con
本资源为USENIX ATC '20 - A Decentralized Blockchain with High Throughput and Fast Confirmation中作者演讲PPT和演讲的完整视频,介绍了现有比特币、以太坊或GHOST等系统存在的缺陷,引出了本论文的系统框架——Conflux,着重介绍了区别于最长链原则的“最重链”原则,并进行了实验仿真。
2021-05-07 14:38:19 34.77MB 区块链 Conflux 最重链原则 有向无环图DAG
This amendment defines modifications to both the IEEE 802.11 physical layer (PHY) and the IEEE 802.11 medium access control (MAC) sublayer so that modes of operation can be enabled that are capable of much higher throughputs, with a maximum throughput of at least 100 Mb/s, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP).
2021-04-25 15:43:15 3.32MB high throughput MAC medium