This document mainly introduces the basic functions and hardware features of Hi3519AV100 single board, multifunctional hardware configuration and software debugging Operation use method.
2022-09-19 22:12:31 454KB 海思 SOC 人工智能
As a new-generation industry-specific SoC designed for the HD IP camera, Hi3519 V100 integrates a new-generation ISP and uses the latest H.265 video compression encoder in the industry as well as advanced low-power technology and architecture design. These features enable Hi3519 V100 to continuously maintain the leading position in the aspects of low bit rate, high picture quality, and low power consumption. Hi3519 V100 supports 90° or 270° rotation and lens distortion correction by using hardware, which meet requirements in various surveillance application scenarios. It also supports 3A algorithms, which allow customers to design various models of IP cameras that contain integrated camera cores. Hi3519 V100 integrates the POR, RTC, and audio CODEC and supports various sensor levels and clock outputs, which significantly reduces the EBOM cost of the HD IP camera based on Hi3519 V100. The Hi3519 V100 HiSilicon SDK features high stability and ease of use, supports rapid mass production, and facilitates system layout of DVRs, NVRs, and IP cameras
2022-03-10 17:45:03 265KB Hi3519 3519
2022-02-09 14:09:45 53KB arm 嵌入式硬件 hi3519
本文档介绍了Hi3519A V100 芯片的特性、逻辑结构,详细描述各个模块的功能、工作 方式、相关寄存器定义,用图表的方式给出了接口时序关系和相关参数,并详细描述了 芯片的管脚定义和用途以及芯片的性能参数和封装尺寸。
2021-12-26 17:20:53 13.91MB datash Hi3519
HI3519V101 中文板 Datasheet
2021-12-21 13:59:19 21.97MB HI3519
hi3519 sdk 百度云下载 海思开发SDK Hi3519 V100R001C01SPC030最新更新的030版,有需要的朋友可以下载学习使用。
2021-10-21 22:58:14 49B 3519 hi3519 sdk
HI3519V101板卡介绍,想要海思相关SDK的可以去这个地方:,海思Hi3518EV300 SDK资料、Hi3516EV200 SDK资料、Hi3516EV300 SDK资料都有
2021-09-10 16:21:36 3.53MB 海思 hi3519
本文档介绍了 Hi35XXX 系列芯片,并从芯片的内核、视频编解码性能,图像处理能力,ISP,音频编解码能力,加密引擎,音频接口,外设接口,boot方式,SDK版本,物理特性等进行对比。
2021-08-03 16:22:25 276KB 海思Hi35XXX Hi3516 Hi3519
这是一套海思Hi3519 SDK的开发资料,对想搞这方面研究的很有帮助。有软件资料 硬件资料及API参考手册等,非常有价值。
2021-07-16 10:39:48 72B Hi3519 SDK 软硬件资料 中英文档
Hi3519V101 专业型HD IP Camera SoC用户指南 Hi3519V101 专业型HD IP Camera SoC用户指南
2021-05-19 16:04:19 13.89MB Hi3519 海思 His3519V101