2022-05-07 11:18:24 1KB hash表算法
Hash表应用 (必做) (查找) [问题描述]    设计散列表实现身份证查找系统,对身份证号进行Hash。 [基本要求] (1) 设每个记录有下列数据项:身份证号码(虚构,位数和编码规则与真实一致即可)、姓名、地址; (2) 从键盘或文件输入各记录,以身份证号码为关键字建立散列表; (3) 采用开放定址的方法解决冲突; (4) 查找并显示给定身份信息的记录; 自备身份证信息文件
2021-12-20 13:20:24 1.26MB hash 数据结构
2021-12-11 16:32:50 29KB hash表
本人的数据结构实习作业“基于Hash表的代码相似度度量”,代码简洁明了,可读性强,并附带较多的注释,方便他人查看。一般通过查看注释便能了解程序的结构与功能,方便进行修改。以下是实习作业的具体要求: 对于两个C++程序,设计并实现两种不同的基于Hash表的检测算法(开地址法和链地址法),计算两个程序的相似度,并分析比较两种算法的效率。 分别读取两个C++程序文件(p1.cpp, p2.cpp),自行设计哈希函数,分别利用开放地址法和链地址法的冲突解决方案,构建C++语言关键字的Hash表。在扫描源程序的过程中,每遇到关键字就查找相应Hash表,并累加相应关键字出现的频度。 根据统计的两个程序中关键字不同频度,可以得到两个向量X1,X2。通过计算向量X1和X2的相对距离来判断两个源程序的相似性,相对距离s的计算方法是( T表示向量的转置) |X1—X2| ((X1—X2)(X1—X2)T)1/2 s= ———————— = ——————————————— |X1|1/2•|X2|1/2 (X1•X1T)1/2(X2•X2T)1/2 利用开放地址法和链地址法两种不同的冲突解决方案构建,分别输出s和两种方法计算s所用的时间。 读取C++程序时,过滤注释,不考虑注释中的内容。(两种注释//和/*…*/) 采用二叉排序树来统计其中的关键字及其频度,按照上述公式计算s,同时给出计算s所用的时间。
2021-12-06 23:44:41 19KB Hash 开地址 链地址 相似度
2021-10-21 17:10:27 42KB java、Hash、基础知识
数据结构第16次作业,hash表 Spellchecking Prerequisites, Goals, and Outcomes Prerequisites: Students should have mastered the following prerequisite skills. • Hash Tables - Understanding of the concept of a recursive function • Inheritance - Enhancing an existing data structure through specialization Goals: This assignment is designed to reinforce the student's understanding of the use of hash tables as searchable containers. Outcomes: Students successfully completing this assignment would master the following outcomes. • Familiarize how to use hash tables, specifically hash sets Background Any word processing application will typically contain a spell check feature. Not only does this feature point out potentially misspelled words; it also suggests possible corrections. Description The program to be completed for this assessment is a spell checker. Below is a screen shot of the program in execution? The program begins by opening a word list text file, specified by a command line parameter. The program outputs an error message and terminates if it cannot open the specified word list text file. A sample word list text file (wordlist.txt) is given in the supplied wordlist.zip archive. After successfully opening the specified word list text file, the program then stores each word into a hash table. The program then opens a file to spell check. This user specifies this file through the command line. After opening this file, the program then compares each word in the file against the words stored in the hash table. The program considers a word to be misspelled if the word does not exist in the hash table. When this occurs, the program displays the line number the word appeared in, the word, and a list of possible corrections. The list of possible corrections for a misspelled word is generated using a simple algorithm. Any variation of a misspelled word that is itself a word (i.e. it is found in the word list file) is a possible correction. Your solution to this asses
2021-10-14 13:53:25 291KB 数据结构 hash表
2021-09-26 09:04:06 250KB 处理器 微型机器 数据处理 参考文献
C语言实现散列表(哈希Hash表) 实例代码: //散列表查找算法(Hash) #include #include #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define SUCCESS 1 #define UNSUCCESS 0 #define HASHSIZE 7 #define NULLKEY -32768 typedef int Status; typedef struct { int *elem; //基址 int count;
2021-06-29 23:30:11 94KB AS c语言 hash函数