妈祖心 妈祖模拟(mazu-sim)是6DoF火箭模拟平台。 它基于 目的是提供验证飞行软件、交付精度的硬件在环和飞行测试。 入门 0. 克隆回购 $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/octoberskyTW/mazu-sim 1. 依赖 GCC 5.4以上 Python 2.7 cpplint $ sudo apt-get install htop cmake vim tree git-core libopenblas-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev bison curl flex python-pip clang-format cppcheck $ pip install cpplint 2.第三方安装 犰狳矩阵库-9.700.2 third-party/armadillo $ tar x
2023-03-01 22:07:56 8.87MB simulation arrc hardware-in-the-loop 6-dof
A Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Platform for the Verification and Validation
2021-02-26 16:00:28 1.45MB 硬件在环测试