Product Description Guice (pronounced "Juice") is the 100% Java icing on the cake of Java dependency injection. Unlike other popular DI frameworks such as Spring, Guice fully embraces modern Java language features and combines simplicity with stunning performance and developer-friendliness. Google Guice: Agile Lightweight Dependency Injection Framework will not only tell you "how," it will also tell you "why" and "why not," so that all the knowledge you gain will be as widely applicable as possible. Filled with examples and background information, this book is an invaluable addition to your knowledge of modern agile Java. * Learn simple annotation-driven dependency injection, scoping and AOP, and why it all works the way it works. * Be the first to familiarize yourself with concepts that are likely to be included in a future Java EE or SE release (through JSR 299). * Get things done without having to write any XML. What you'll learn * Find out why dependency injection frameworks solve your problems, and how Guice fills that gap. * What Guice can do, can't do and how to apply that knowledge. * How Guice compares to popular alternatives like the Spring Framework. * What the future has in store, including Guice IDE, the next Guice version and the standardization of Guice's concepts through JSR 299. * How you can build real world, Guice-powered web applications using popular frameworks like Wicket or Struts 2. * How to develop a full stack Guice / Struts 2 / Hibernate application. * What you can really do with modern Java. Who is this book for? This book is for professional Java developers who are interested in dependency injection, modern Java coding practices and who want to tackle complexity with a simple, powerful and high-quality solution that already powers one of Google's highest profile applications: AdWords. This may be an alternative to Spring for many. About the Author Robbie Vanbrabant is an experienced Java developer and professional Java consultant based in Belgium. He's a well known Guice user and active member of the Guice community. Product Details * Paperback: 192 pages * Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (April 21, 2008) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 1590599977 * ISBN-13: 978-1590599976 * Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.5 x 0.6 inches
2022-06-09 18:22:38 2.95MB guice
Hibernate with Jpa+annotations and Guice集成用例
2022-02-27 21:56:19 46KB guice jpa
消息 代码完成: 关于 该项目的目标是扩展 Guice 的 AOP 功能并支持异步方法调用。 要异步方法,用户只需使用@Asynchronous注释标记方法。 有了这个,我们抽象了管理异步调用的横切关注点,并减少了伴随异步调用而产生的代码膨胀量。 问题 Guice 是 Google 推出的一个简单的依赖注入框架,深受好评和广泛使用。 不幸的是,它的简单性带来了一些限制。 Guice 的 AOP 允许用户围绕操作方法拦截器实现堆叠。 在这种情况下,一组拦截器将包​​装一个方法调用,以便一个拦截器调用下一个(在堆栈中),直到最终调用该方法。 之后,拦截器继续执行返回到它之前的拦截器(备份堆栈)。 问题是,从拦截器内部,没有干净的方法将调用卸载到其他线程。 卸载任务并返回到调用者会导致堆栈跳出其假定的顺序。 实际上,当从另一个线程调用下一个拦截器时,就会执行错误的拦截器。 解决方案 我们的解决
2021-07-26 20:11:44 120KB Java
Akka Guice 集成 安装 将以下内容添加到您的 build.sbt: resolvers += " release repository " at " " resolvers += " snapshot repository " at " " 添加到您的库依赖项: " akkaguice " %% " akkaguice " % " 0.8.3 " 初始化 首先,创建或编辑 conf/play.plugins。 添加行(插件前面的数字是您播放应用程序内的加载顺序): 10000:akkaGuice.AkkaGuicePlugin 在 中使用 AkkaGuiceModu
2021-07-06 17:07:12 61KB Java
Guice是由Google大牛Bob lee开发的一款绝对轻量级的java IoC容器。其优势在于: 速度快,号称比spring快100倍。 无外部配置(如需要使用外部可以可以选用Guice的扩展包),完全基于annotation特性,支持重构,代码静态检查。 简单,快速,基本没有学习成本。 Guice和spring各有所长,Guice更适合与嵌入式或者高性能但项目简单方案,如OSGI容器,spring更适合大型项目组织
2016-11-29 00:00:00 1.06MB guice
selenium2所用到的reportng的一些相关jar包:reportng-1.1.4.jar, velocity-dep-1.4.jar和guice-3.0.jar
2014-11-21 00:00:00 500KB reportng velocity-dep guice
guice-3.0.jar ,Guice是Google开发的一个轻量级依赖注入框架(IOC)。Guice非常小而且快,功能类似与Spring,但效率上网上文档显示是它的100倍,而且还提供对Servlet,AOP,Struts等框架的支持;
2013-01-07 00:00:00 694KB guice3.0.jar