二维椭圆网格生成器 这是一个二维正交椭圆网格(网​​格)生成器,它通过求解Winslow偏微分方程(Elliptic PDE)来工作。 它能够使用拉伸功能和正交性调整算法来修改网格。 该算法通过使用倾斜的抛物线切线拟合器计算曲线斜率来工作。 网格生成器打包为Java程序,可以通过命令行对其进行编译和执行。 该程序允许从六种不同的边界类型中进行选择:矩形,高斯,绝对值,最大整数,前进步距和半椭圆。 然后可以指定网格域的坐标(注意:该域必须是完美的正方形)。 最后,可以选择向网格添加细化,例如正交性调整和拉伸功能。 然后,程序将生成一个初始的粗网格并对其进行迭代优化,以生成具有给定参数和优化选项的平滑网格。 椭圆网格求解器的一个独特功能是可以很好地校正重叠和错位的网格线。 程序输出的一部分还将提供对所得网格质量的详细分析。 运行程序 要运行该项目的预构建jar文件,请确保您已安装Java版
Handbook_of_grid_generation edited by Joe F. Thompson Bharat K. Soni
2021-11-21 18:17:31 26.59MB CFD grid
In this text, grid generation and the use thereof in numerical solutions of partial equations are both discussed. The intent was to provide the necessary basic information, from both the standpoint of mathematical background and from that of coding implementation, for numerical solutions of partial differential equations to be constructed on general regions. Since these numerical solutions are ultimately constructed on a square grid in a rectangular computational region, any solution algorithm that can treat equations with variable coefficients is basically applicable, and therefore discussion of specific algorithms is left to classical texts on the numerical solution of partial differential equations.
2021-11-04 16:31:47 3.09MB Numerical Grid Generation
2021-03-08 15:06:53 2.54MB Thompson
Numerical Grid Generation Complete
2021-03-04 11:25:19 2.17MB Grid Generation