2022-08-25 10:24:55 661KB ArcGIS 脚本 自动化 批处理
2016年的Geoprocessing with Python , Manning出版,关于使用python对tiff数据或者其他遥感影像处理,十分简单易学,是入门遥感的一门不可多得的参考书
2022-05-16 22:19:01 27.71MB geopro python GDAL OGR
Geoprocessing with Python 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-07-31 17:08:37 28.17MB Python
地理处理示例 此处的代码仅用作示例,并未经过严格测试、不完整或在生产环境中值得信任。 示例数据源: LAZ - 道路、水文和政治边界 - NAIP - 设置 $ git clone https://github.com/geowurster/Geoprocessing-Examples.git $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt 运行示例 此 repo 中的每个实用程序/脚本都是可执行的,并且具有包含示例命令的内置帮助页面。 例如: $ ./zonal-statistics.py --help Usage: zonal-statistics.py [OPTIONS] RASTER VECTOR Get raster stats for every featur
2021-06-10 20:03:32 50.61MB Python
Geoprocessing with python code and handbook
2021-03-18 14:04:38 190B geoprocessing GIS python code
Although I’d taken a lot of programming classes in college, I never fully appreciated programming until I had a job that involved a lot of repetitive tasks. After amusing myself by automating much of that job, I decided to return to school and study biol- ogy, which is when I took my first GIS course. I was instantly in love, and managed to convince someone to give me a biology degree for writing an extension for ArcView GIS (a precursor to A rc GIS , for you Esri fans out there). After finishing that up, I went to work for the Remote Sensing/Geographic Information Systems Laboratory at Utah State University. One of my first projects involved some web mapping, and I soon became a big fan of the open source UMN M ap S erver software. That was my introduc- tion to open source geospatial software, including GDAL . I’m fairly certain that I didn’t appreciate the power of the GDAL/OGR library when I first learned about it, but I came to my senses once I started using it in my C++ and C# code. In the College of Natural Resources, there weren’t many people around who were interested in coding, but I did get to point people to the GDAL command-line utilities on a regular basis. But then Esri introduced Python as the scripting language of choice for A rc GIS , and things started to change. I don’t think I had used Python much before then, but playing with arcgisscripting (the original Esri Python module) made me realize how much I enjoyed working with Python, so naturally I had to start using GDAL with it as well. More importantly for this book, my coworker John Lowry suggested that we team- teach a Python-for- GIS class. He taught students how to use Python with A rc GIS , and I taught them about GDAL . The class turned out to be popular, so we taught it that way for another few years until John moved away. I took over the entire class and have been teaching it in various configurations ever since. I’ve never bothered to take the class material from the first two y
2019-12-21 20:35:43 12.53MB Python
模型中附带数据,添加进ArcGIS 9.3 的Toolbox就可以运行,这个是最短路径分析的
2019-12-21 20:27:11 3.64MB Geoprocessing ArcGIS