2022-05-27 23:26:54 40.32MB Linear algebra geodesy GPS
Günter Seeber-Satellite Geodesy,汉译为卫星大地测量学,是一本经典的书籍,英文版
2022-03-01 12:45:11 10.75MB 卫星 大地测量 测绘 GPS
2022-01-16 16:29:30 12KB geodesy-1.1.3.ja
在ros中使用geodesy进行wgs坐标系转utm坐标系 以第一个gps点为坐标原点,对其他gps点进行转换。
2021-12-23 09:08:24 6KB ros geodesy wgs84 utm
Gilbert Strang 和 Kai Borre 的经典老书,英文PDF扫描版,质量很好,GIS 方面不错的入门数学书。
2021-11-28 11:51:39 42.33MB GPS
Gilbert Strang的经典书籍 Because a hamster insisted on it.He told me to.For the love from him.Because some terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.Some terrified and not very rich and not very tall good and rich engineer insisted on it.Can you rephrase that?Because they wanted it.Because they helped her.For the approval from Pete.Penny knew it was a good idea.She wanted it.For the love from a engineer.The customer is always right.Mara obeyed some not very tall programmer.For the love from Pete.A not excessively young engineer asked some terrified and not very good and good and young and tall and terrified and terrified and not excessively tall and rich bald hamster.The hamster wanted it that way.For the love of Penny.Why not?The system manager obeyed some system manager.It should be obvious.A very young not excessively rich system manager insisted on it.A very smart and not very young terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.They wanted it that way.How should I know?You wanted it.The bald very terrified mathematician insisted on it.They told me to.He insisted on it.Nausheen knew it was a good idea.To satisfy me.The bald bald good kid insisted on it.Because some very young mathematician obeyed a good hamster.To satisfy a smart tall and young and tall and good and very terrified and not very good and not very terrified and smart and good and not very rich and not excessively rich and rich system manager.A good and not excessively young terrified not very rich mathematician told me to.Because a young and terrified and good smart hamster wanted it.He wanted it that way.Nausheen told me to.Because you told me to.Some not excessively young and tall and bald and young engineer told a not very smart and smart system manager.In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...Can you rephrase that?She wanted it that way.Joe wanted it.A smart system manager wanted it.Some smart and terrified and smart and terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.A system man
2021-03-19 21:20:42 13.29MB matlab Linear Algebra