2023-03-30 20:33:52 3.6MB DSP G.729
2022-07-11 09:12:04 172KB 文档资料
移动开发-基于Nios Ⅱ实现G.729语音压缩解压算法.pdf
2022-06-23 22:05:43 1.91MB 移动开发-基于NiosⅡ实现G
在ITU-T发布的应用于VoIP的语音压缩编解码标准ITU-T G.729
2022-05-26 14:08:02 1.57MB ITU-TG.729
freeswitch 1.6x G729转码模块 使用intel IPP 编译,支持大部分服务器CPU,转码效率很高,此版本为64位
2022-04-06 15:30:58 452KB freeswitch g.729
G.729标准文档及参考代码 This Recommendation contains the description of an algorithm for the coding of speech signals at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP). This coder is designed to operate with a digital signal obtained by first performing telephone bandwidth filtering (Recommendation G.712) of the analogue input signal, then sampling it at 8000 Hz, followed by conversion to 16-bit linear PCM for the input to the encoder. The output of the decoder should be converted back to an analogue signal by similar means. Other input/output characteristics, such as those specified by Recommendation G.711 for 64 kbit/s PCM data, should be converted to 16-bit linear PCM before encoding, or from 16-bit linear PCM to the appropriate format after decoding. The bitstream from the encoder to the decoder is defined within this Recommendation. This Recommendation is organized as follows: Clause 2 gives a general outline of the CS-ACELP algorithm. In clauses 3 and 4, the CS-ACELP encoder and decoder principles are discussed, respectively. Clause 5 describes the software that defines this coder in 16 bit fixed-point arithmetic.
2021-12-23 19:08:55 14.13MB G.729 语音 音频
729 人工智能深度解读:AI新技术革命将如何重塑就业和全球化格局?.docx
2021-12-06 16:08:00 223KB
本建议书描述了一个可与 G.729G.729A 和 G.729B 互操作的 8-32 kbit/s 可分级宽带语音和音频编解码 算法。 G.729EV 编解码器输出信号在 8 kbit/s 和 12 kbit/s 采样频率上带宽为 50-4000 Hz,在 14-32 kbit/s 采样频 率上带宽为 50-7000 Hz。在 8 kbit/s, G.729EV 可以与 G.729G.729 附件 A 和 G.729 附件 B 实现完全互操作。 因此可预见在现有基于 G.729 的 VoIP 基础设施中将得到有效的部署。编解码器工作于 20 ms 帧,算法时延 为 48.9375 ms。默认情况下,编码器输入和解码器输出信号采样频率为 16 kHz。
2021-11-11 17:26:47 1.23MB G.729
2021-07-16 08:42:48 113KB g.729 G.729