光在体积中的散射 作者:H.C. Van De Hulst 卷1 英文版,最早出版于1965年,PBRT中关于体积散射的推荐阅读资料
2023-10-10 08:21:15 3.79MB 3d渲染 体积渲染
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables.pdf
2023-03-06 20:30:20 1.08MB Handbook of Mathematical Functions
The preparation of the fourth edition of this handbook provided the opportunity to enlarge the sections on special functions and orthogonal polynomials, as suggested by many users of the third edition. A number of substantial additions have also been made elsewhere, like the enhancement of the description of spherical harmonics, but a major change is the inclusion of a completely new chapter on conformal mapping. Some minor changes that have been made are correcting of a few typographical errors and rearranging the last four chapters of the third edition into a more convenient form. A significant development that occurred during the later stages of preparation of this fourth edition was that my friend and colleague 英文原版超清
2022-05-13 09:21:49 4.2MB Mathematics
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2021-10-05 17:47:31 1.23MB latex thesis latex-formulas ctex
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulas, 33rd Edition - Daniel Zwillinger
2021-08-06 00:11:35 10.13MB 数学 数学手册
2021-06-29 19:33:22 9.64MB Matrix Mathematics
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2021-01-28 02:35:59 6MB excel
Despite the increasing use of computers, the basic need for mathematical tables continues. Tables serve a vital role in preliminary surveys of problems before programming for machine operation, and they are indispensable to thousands of engineers and scientists without access to machines. Because of automatic computers, however, and because of recent scientific advances, a greater variety of functions and a higher accuracy of tabulation than have been available until now are required. In 1954, a conference on mathematical tables, sponsored by M.I.T. and the National Science Foundation, met to discuss a modernization and extension of Jahnke and Emde's classical tables of functions. This volume, published 10 years later by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the result. Designed to include a maximum of information and to meet the needs of scientists in all fields, it is a monumental piece of work, a comprehensive and self-contained summary of the mathematical functions that arise in physical and engineering problems. The book contains 29 sets of tables, some to as high as 20 places: mathematical constants; physical constants and conversion factors (6 tables); exponential integral and related functions (7); error function and Fresnel integrals (12); Bessel functions of integer (12) and fractional (13) order; integrals of Bessel functions (2); Struve and related functions (2); confluent hypergeometric functions (2); Coulomb wave functions (2); hypergeometric functions; Jacobian elliptic and theta functions (2); elliptic integrals {9); Weierstrass elliptic and related functions; parabolic cylinder functions {3); Mathieu functions (2); spheroidal wave functions (5); orthogonal polynomials (13); combinatorial analysis (9); numerical interpolation, differentiation and integration (11); probability functions (ll); scales of notation (6); miscellaneous functions (9); Laplace transforms (2); and others. Each of these sections is prefaced by a list of related formulas and graph
2020-01-03 11:40:40 16.65MB 数学手册 数学工具书 数学
Fortunately, there's Schaum's. This all-in-one-package includes more than 2,400 fully solved problems, examples, and practice exercises to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Plus, you will have access to the revised online Schaum’s.com website-- it's just like having your own virtual tutor! You'll find everything you need to build confidence, skills, and knowledge for the highest score possible. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. Helpful tables and illustrations increase your understanding of the subject at hand. Schaum’s Outline of Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables, Fifth Edition features: • More than 2,400 formulas and tables • Clear explanations for all mathematical formulas and procedures • Formulas and tables for elementary to advanced topics • A complete index to all topics • Access to revised Schaums.com website
2020-01-03 11:39:10 14.26MB 数学手册