什么是交易II? deal.II是一个C ++程序库,旨在使用自适应有限元解决偏微分方程的计算问题。 它使用最先进的编程技术,为您提供所需的复杂数据结构和算法的现代化接口。 对于急躁的人: 假设您已经将.tar.gz文件解压缩到目录/ path / to / dealii / sources中。 然后使用以下命令配置,编译和安装deal.II库: $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/where/dealii/should/be/installed/to /path/to/dealii/sources $ make install (alternatively $ make -j install) $ make test 要从存储库进行构建,请首先执行以下命令: $ git clone
2023-02-13 00:04:57 30.46MB c-plus-plus finite-elements C++
非线性有限元分析经典教材 Wiley 2000 全英文版
2022-04-11 10:42:16 2.13MB Finite Elements Nonlinear
埃尔默有限元法 这是 Elmer FEM 软件套件的官方源代码库。 Elmer 是用于数值求解偏微分方程的有限元软件。 Elmer 能够处理任意数量的方程,因此非常适合模拟多物理场问题。 它包括结构力学、流体动力学、传热和电磁学等模型。 用户还可以编写自己的方程式,可以与主程序动态链接。 埃尔默由几个部分组成。 最重要的是 ElmerSolver(有限元求解器)、ElmerGUI(图形用户界面)和 ElmerGrid(网格创建和操作工具)。 软件包中还包含一个可视化工具 ElmerPost,但不再开发。 下载二进制文件 您可以从下载二进制文件和虚拟机。 码头工人 nwrichmond/elmerice: , unifem/Elmer-desktop: GitHub CoSci-LLC/docker-elmerice: Docker 集线器, GitHub
2021-11-27 15:45:36 69.64MB mpi parallel-computing fem finite-elements
2021-11-24 22:03:34 6.22MB Finite Elements
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of nonlinear finite elementanalysis and its various implementation strategies. It is intended for beginning graduate students studying the areas of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, applied mathematics, engineering mechanics and materials science.
2021-11-14 23:04:22 8.78MB Finite Eleme 有限元
A First Course in Finite Elements[Jacob.Fish&Ted.Belytschko][2007][EN][PDF] 绝对经典的FEA方面的入门书 这两个家伙可是FEM方面的Leading Person啊
2021-10-25 18:35:23 4.4MB 有限元分析 FEA Belytschko
This is a book for people who love finite elements and MATLAB3. We will use the popular computer package MATLAB as a matrix calculator for doing finite element analysis. Problems will be solved mainly using MATLAB to carry out the tedious and lengthy matrix calculations in addition to some manual manipulations especially when applying the boundary conditions. In particular the steps of the finite element method are emphasized in this book. The reader will not find ready-made MATLAB programs for use as black boxes. Instead step-by-step solutions of finite element problems are examined in detail using MATLAB. Problems from linear elastic structural mechanics are used throughout the book. The emphasis is not on mass computation or programming, but rather on learning the finite element method computations and understanding of the underlying concepts.
2021-10-24 18:22:03 4.87MB MATLAB Guide to Finite
Finite Elements And Fast Iterative Solvers(Oxford)
2021-10-02 15:10:04 4.69MB 计算流体力学 有限单元法
Finite Elements for Nonlinear Continua and Structures.pdf 非线性有限元经典书,662页,此书被清华大学庄先生翻译
2021-08-19 13:37:38 2.13MB by Ted Belytschko