2024-01-10 23:25:11 130KB 首发论文
matlab+ann源码适用于心室纤维的 LDRB 方法 这是用于生成心室纤维的基于拉普拉斯-狄利克雷规则 (LDRB) 算法的 MATLAB 实现。 原始算法 [] 适用于消除自由壁中纤维的不连续性,并产生与透壁拉普拉斯解成正比的纤维旋转(在壁上近似线性)。 依赖关系 运行以安装依赖项 [,]。 例子 运行以生成示例性双心室几何结构的纤维。 执照 所有源代码均受 GPL-3.0 许可条款的约束。 版权所有 2021 Steffen Schuler,卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院。 接触 史蒂芬舒勒生物医学工程研究所卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 参考
2022-04-08 22:06:38 7.75MB 系统开源
加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)电气工程系刘佳明教授的顶级大作。建议从事光纤,光波导,激光,光电子器件设计等方面的研究人员以及学生下载。 Photonic devices lie at the heart of the communications revolution, and have become a large and important part of the electronic engineering field, so much so that many colleges now treat this as a subject in its own right. With this in mind, the author has put together a unique textbook covering every major photonic device, and striking a careful balance between theoretical and practical concepts. The book assumes a basic knowledge of optics, semiconductors, and electromagnetic waves; many of the key background concepts are reviewed in the first chapter. Devices covered include optical fibers, couplers, electro-optic devices, magneto-optic devices, acousto-optic devices, nonlinear optical devices, optical amplifiers, lasers, light-emitting diodes, and photodetectors. Problems are included at the end of each chapter and a solutions set is available. The book is ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate courses, but being device-driven it is also an excellent reference for engineers.
2021-08-12 10:46:56 10.31MB waveguide optical fibers laser
fibers,win32-x64-83,win32-x64-79,win32-x64-72,解决问题 Cannot find module 'D:\案例代码\taro-zhihu-sample-next\node_modules\fibers\bin\win32-x64-79\fibers',将缺少的文件bin目录下的补全
2021-08-03 09:31:00 1.05MB node
We numerically study the propagation of 1-ps laser pulse in three tapered holey fibers (THFs). The curvature indices of the concave, linear, and convex tapers are 2.0, 1.0, and 0.5, respectively. The central wavelength, located in the normal dispersion regime, is 800 nm. The nonlinear coefficient of the THFs increases from the initial 0.095 m
2021-02-26 09:05:45 605KB 光波分裂 锥形光子 超平坦光 060.2310
The intensity and position of the coupling points in high birefringence (Hi-Bi) fibers can be detected effectively using distributed polarization coupling (DPC) detection. The detection sensitivity can decrease due to mechanical vibration disturbance and environment noise. Thus, a method based on em
2021-02-25 14:09:06 338KB 论文
Preparation and characterization of a liquid level sensor based on macro-bending coupling of fibers are demonstrated in this Letter. The sensitive component can be obtained through a twisting and twining structure of transparent cladding plastic fibers. The difference in light power originating from
2021-02-07 20:06:10 553KB
4-3-Large Effective Area Hole-Walled Multi-Core Fibers
2021-02-02 12:33:23 395KB 光通信
Research on the Small-size Ultra-low Bending Loss Optical Fibers
2021-02-02 12:33:22 339KB 光通信