The title reminds me of this historical oddity: In the distant past, Chinese scholars, some of them imaginary, traveled to the West (that is, India) in search of Urtcxt Buddhist scriptures. About fifteen centuries later, this process has come full circle, and Western scholars, some of them all too real, trawl to the East to discover and render into Western terms not so much the scriptures as the spirit and gestures of Eastern philosophy. This readable and accurate book, by a pioneering scholar of Buddhism, is a very creditable product of this movement. Even its tone of intellectual severity and moral earnestncssone is reminded at times more of Samuel Richardson than of Chuang Tsu--is entirely appropriate, for Zen Buddhism is the extreme puritanical branch of Eastern my
2023-02-06 20:58:09 4.49MB codes
2022-10-09 09:54:31 9.11MB Codes
2021-09-13 12:29:28 2.39MB Error-
QC-LDPC 码和 MET QC-LDPC 码的模拟退火提升 Vasiliy Usatyuk 和 Ilya Vorobyev 用于构建高周长 QC-LDPC 代码的模拟退火方法第 41 届电信和信号处理 (TSP) 2018 年国际会议的源代码,7 月 4 日至 6 日,希腊雅典。 它从具有所需最小 EMD 值的原图构造具有多个边缘类型循环的规则和不规则 QC-LDPC 代码。 关于图构建相关问题的代码的简短评论 (ENG) 。 模拟退火优于所有当前发布的算法(PEG、QC-PEG、Fossorier-Declercq-Vasic 改进的 PEG、Yedidia Hill-Climbing),并根据循环破坏能力构建 QC-LDPC 代码,详情请阅读论文 。 结合基于代码距离的筛选(对于短代码和中等代码长度),它允许构建具有非常好的(可能是当前最先进的)编码增益的 QC 代码。
2021-08-20 17:01:25 11.77MB error-correcting-codes ldpc-codes qc-ldpc C++
Error-Correcting Codes, by Professor Peterson, was originally published in 1961. Now, with E. J. Weldon, Jr., as his coauthor, Professor Peterson has extensively rewritten his material. The book contains essentially all of the material of the first edition; however, the authors state that because there has been so much new work published in error-correcting codes, the preparation of this second edition proved to be a much greater task than writing the original book. The major additions are the chapters on majority-logic codes, synchronization, and convolutional codes. Much new material has also been added to the chapters on important linear block codes and cyclic codes. The authors cite some highly regarded books on recent work done in Eastern Europe and an extensive bibliography on coding theory in the Soviet Union [sic]. In its much-expanded form, Error-Correcting Codes may be considered another valuable contribution to computer coding.
2021-06-30 19:21:35 14.17MB Error-Correcting
2019-12-21 21:50:13 9.09MB 纠错码
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to modern global variational theory on fibred spaces. It is based on differentiation and integration theory of differential forms on smooth manifolds, and on the concepts of global analysis and geometry such as jet prolongations of manifolds, mappings, and Lie groups. The book will be invaluable for researchers and PhD students in differential geometry, global analysis, differential equations on manifolds, and mathematical physics, and for the readers who wish to undertake further rigorous study in this broad interdisciplinary field.
2019-12-21 21:34:16 8.43MB error correcting