datataker数采 DT80 DT8X系列说明手册
2021-05-12 17:02:01 7.35MB DT80 datataker 说明书 manual
DTUSB v1.02 RELEASE NOTES ========================= Windows driver to provide TCP/IP access to DT80 Series logger over USB. Requires Windows XP or later Installation ------------ 1. Uninstall any existing version of DtUsb, using the start menu link 2. Run DtUsbPackage32-102.exe (32 bit OS) or DtUsbPackage64-102.exe (64 bit OS) Contact Details --------------- Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia Pty Ltd 5 Caribbean Drive (PO Box 9092) Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia Phone: +613 9757 4477 Fax: +613 9753 3483 Email: Change History ============== DtUsb version 1.02 02-Jul-2010 -------------------------------- DtUsb: - no changes UsbSerialiser: - FIX: crash following serialisation on Windows 7 (#2333) Installer: - FIX: now includes multi-lingual version of DPINST driver installer, to allow installation on non-English Windows (#2337) DtUsb version 1.00 16-Mar-2010 -------------------------------- Initial release
2021-05-12 17:02:00 2.71MB datataker dt80 驱动
和DT50,DT500,DT600及DT800系列的dataTakers数据记录仪捆绑销售的免费软件。 Release notes for DeTransfer 3.27 package 20090624 What is Detransfer.msi? ======================= DeTransfer.msi is a new installer package of previously released version 3.27 of DeTransfer. So, if you have version 3.27 installed, there is no reason to upgrade. The sole reason of new Installer is to make the installation possible on the newest versions of Windows OS, including 64 bit version of XP and Windows 7.
2021-05-12 17:02:00 1.89MB datataker dt80 数采 数据