CHAPTER 4 AD (Analog-to-Digital) Conversion 内有 MATLAB代码
2023-10-07 20:31:53 988KB MATLAB/Simulink Communication 通信 AD转换
[Gallager] Principles of Digital Communication,通信专业必读书籍
2023-04-06 14:13:56 48.4MB 高清通信书籍
Digital Communications 经典教材 英文版
2023-03-16 11:06:46 23.69MB Digital Communication
Digital Communication Receivers Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing Digital Communication Receivers offers a complete treatment on the theoretical and practical aspects of synchronization and channel estimation from the standpoint of digital signal processing. The focus on these increasingly important topics, the systematic approach to algorithm development, and the linked algorithm-architecture methodology in digital receiver design are unique features of this book. The material is structured according to different classes of transmission channels. In Part C, baseband transmission over wire or optical fiber is addressed. Part D covers passband transmission over satellite or terrestrial wireless channels. Part E deals with transmission over fading channels. Designed for the practicing communication engineer and the graduate student, the book places considerable emphasis on helpful examples, summaries, illustrations, and bibliographies. Contents include:, * Basic material, * Baseband communications, * Passband transmission, * Receiver structure for PAM signals, * Synthesis of synchronization algorithms, * Performance analysis of synchronizers, * Bit error degradation caused by random tracking errors, * Frequency estimation, * Timing adjustment by interpolation, * DSP system implementation, * Characterization, modeling, and simulation of linear fading channels, * Detection and parameter synchronization on fading channels, * Receiver structures for fading channels, * Parameter synchronization for flat fading channels, * Parameter synchronization for selective fading channels
2023-03-01 16:38:00 54.52MB 经典
作者Marvin K. Simon Mohamed-Slim Alouini
2022-11-19 09:00:14 4.15MB Fading Channels
Wiley 2015年新书,介绍了利用matlab 2014a 的Simulink进行通信系统建模仿真的基本原理和方法。
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国外经典教材答案 第五版数字通信-普诺克斯-解答(Solutions Manual for 5th Digital Communication by Proakis J G).pdf
2022-05-05 13:55:02 2.83MB 数字通信 答案
7.1 两通道滤波器组中各信号的关系 第 6.1 节已提及,滤波器组分为分析滤波器组和综合滤波器组。分析滤波器组将 )(nx 分成 M 个子带信号。若 M=2,则分析滤波器组由一个低通滤波器和一个高通滤波器所组 成,它们把 )(nx 分成了一个低通信号和一个高通信号。我们可依据这两个子带信号所具有 的能量的不同,也即“重要性”的不同而分别给以不同的对待及处理。例如,分别赋以不 同的字长来实现信号的编码及压缩,或是别的处理。处理后的信号经传输后再由综合滤波 器组重建出原信号。由于分析滤波器组将原信号的带宽压缩为 1/M,因此,对每一个子带 信号均可作 M 倍的抽取,从而将抽样率减低 M 倍。这样可减小编码和处理的计算量,同 时,在硬件实现时也可以降低对系统性能的要求,从而降低成本。在综合滤波器组前面, 再作 M 倍的插值,以得到和原信号相同的抽样率。一个两通道滤波器组如图 7.1.1 所示。 图 7.1.1 两通道滤波器组 如果 )()(ˆ nxnx  ,或 )()(ˆ 0 nncxnx  ,式中c 和 0 n 为常数,我们称 )(ˆ nx 是对 )(nx 的“准确重建(Perfect Reconstruction,PR)”。本节首先讨论图 7.1.1 中各信号间的关系,然 后讨论实现准确重建的途径。也即,如何确定 )( 0 zH , )( 1 zH , )( 0 zG 和 )( 1 ZG 才能去除混 叠失真,幅度失真及相位失真。 由图 7.1.1 及第五章关于抽取与插值的输入、输出关系,对图中的分析滤波器组,有: )()()( 00 zHzXzX  , )()()( 11 zHzXzX  ↓2 H0 (z) ↑2 G0 (z) H1 (z) ↓2 ↑2 G1 (z) )(zX )( 0 zX )( 1 zX )( 0 zV )( 1 zV )( 0 zU )( 1 zU )(ˆ zX
2022-04-23 15:22:27 9.58MB 现代信号处理 胡广书