The .NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5 is actually 10 products in one -- each filled with .NET code and information you will not find anywhere else -- and each working together, ready to give your apps, your projects, and your career a boost. They are: 69 Comprehensive .NET 4.5 GoF Design Pattern Projects 23 Valuable UML Diagrams in Visio format 3-Tier / N-Tier Pattern and Practices based Architectures Reference Application: ASP.NET MVC Patterns Reference Application: ASP.NET Web Forms Patterns Reference Application: Windows Forms Patterns Reference Application: WPF Patterns NEW Art Shop -- A fully functional, real-world e-commerce Web App NEW SparkTM -- A rapid application development (RAD) platform & more... Printable PDF documents for all Projects & Patterns Our most recent release, Design Pattern Framework 4.5, has been enhanced with the latest insights into building apps using modern architectures, patterns, and best practices. These include MVC 4, SimpleMembership, OAuth with Facebook, REST, Active Record Pattern, CQRS Pattern, Repository and Unit-of-Work Patterns, and more. We're particularly excited about the addition of our new SparkTM technology. Spark is a RAD (rapid application development) platform that helps you deliver .NET applications faster and better than ever before. Continue reading to learn more.
2023-12-20 05:05:02 48.64MB .NET Design Patter Framew
.Net 程序员学习设计模式的好资源,内容相当地丰富,内有源码和PDF文档说明(4.0版本)
2023-10-15 05:01:06 18.44MB Design Pattern C# .Net
2022-09-25 21:09:28 36.37MB SOA Design Pattern
深入浅出设计模式 (head first design pattern), 幽默诙谐的语言讲解常用的设计模式, 适合面向对象编程的初学者。
2022-04-30 09:22:04 25.92MB Design Pattern 设计模式 深入浅出
1) golang 的设计模式 GO is a new programming languages developed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, and others. GO was published in November 2009 and made open source; was “Language of the year” 2009 [7]; and was awarded the Bossie Award 2010 for “best open source application development software” [1]. GO deserves an evaluation. Design patterns are records of idiomatic programming practice and inform programmers about good program design. Design patterns provide generic solutions for reoccurring problems and have been implemented in many programming languages. Every programming language has to solve the problems addressed by patterns. In this thesis we use design patterns to evaluate the innovative features of GO.
2022-04-03 15:27:40 1.38MB go golang
非常好的设计模式资料,对designed patterns中涉及的设计模式进行解释,是面向对象设计人员的必备资料
2022-03-07 22:59:06 3.56MB design pattern
Design Patterns Explained A New Perspective on Object Oriented Design 设计模式的解释,比如,工厂模式,观察者模式的等等,简单易解
2022-01-05 18:03:57 4.02MB java 软件设计 design pattern
23种设计模式(Design Pattern)的C++实现范例,包括下面列出的各种模式,代码包含较详细注释。另外附上“设计模式迷你手册.chm” 供参考。 注:项目在 VS2008 下使用。 创建型: 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory) 生成器模式(Builder) 工厂方法模式(Factory Method) 原型模式(Prototype) 单件模式(Singleton) 结构型: 适配器模式(Adapter) 桥接模式(Bridge) 组合模式(Composite) 装饰者模式(Decorator) 外观模式(Facade) 蝇量模式(Flyweight) 代理模式(Proxy) 行为型: 责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility) 命令模式(Command) 解释器模式(Interpreter) 迭代器模式(Iterator) 中介者模式(Mediator) 备忘录模式(Memento) 观察者模式(Observer) 状态模式(State) 策略模式(Strategy) 模板方法模式(Template Method) 访问者模式(Visitor)
2021-12-31 19:00:45 6.58MB C++ 设计模式 DesignPattern 范例
支持开源! 这么经典的书,不必介绍了吧。 注意:由于分包压缩的7z格式,所以需要把15个包全部下载后在进行解压缩(使用7z软件)
2021-12-10 23:59:26 9MB 设计模式 design pattern Head