Dynamic FACES is an extension of the original FACES database . It is a database of morphed videos (n = 1,026) of young, middle-aged, and older adults displaying six naturalistic emotional facial expressions including neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and happiness. Static images used for morphing came from the original FACES database. Videos were created by transitioning from a static neutral image to a target emotion. Videos are available in 384 x 480 pixels as .mp4 files or in origina
2022-09-19 15:05:10 465.35MB database
Extended Yale B Databse人脸数据集(已经整理成.mat格式包含标签,可以直接用于分类任务,并且个人配上了数据说明,相信能帮助到大家) 包含一个.mat数据文件,和一个数据说明.m文件
2021-11-10 22:23:33 53.17MB 人脸识别
C++借助ADO连接Access数据库 实例项目以及相应数据表
2021-10-20 11:21:30 51.43MB C++ Access databse