Learn DAX Overview Videos DAX functions DAX function reference overview New DAX functions Date and time functions Date and time functions overview
2024-06-16 16:52:57 2.45MB Power
尽管静止状态功能磁共振成像越来越受到关注,但还没有用于其数据分析的软件。 基于MATLAB,我们开发了一个名为REST的软件包。 当前,REST具有三个主要功能:功能连接,ReHo和ALFF。
2024-02-01 23:48:17 8MB 开源软件
Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis, Silverman著, 1986年版,核密度估计教材
2024-01-09 16:20:52 5.05MB Density Estimation
Focusing on high-dimensional applications, this 4th edition presents the tools and concepts used in multivariate data analysis in a style that is also accessible for non-mathematicians and practitioners. It surveys the basic principles and emphasizes both exploratory and inferential statistics; a new chapter on Variable Selection (Lasso, SCAD and Elastic Net) has also been added. All chapters include practical exercises that highlight applications in different multivariate data analysis fields: in quantitative financial studies, where the joint dynamics of assets are observed; in medicine, where recorded observations of subjects in different locations form the basis for reliable diagnoses and medication; and in quantitative marketing, where consumers’ preferences are collected in order to construct models of consumer behavior. All of these examples involve high to ultra-high dimensions and represent a number of major fields in big data analysis. The fourth edition of this book on Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis offers the following new features: A new chapter on Variable Selection (Lasso, SCAD and Elastic Net) All exercises are supplemented by R and MATLAB code that can be found on www.quantlet.de. The practical exercises include solutions that can be found in Härdle, W. and Hlavka, Z., Multivariate Statistics: Exercises and Solutions. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg. Table of Contents Part I Descriptive Techniques Chapter 1 Comparison of Batches Part II Multivariate Random Variables Chapter 2 A Short Excursion into Matrix Algebra Chapter 3 Moving to Higher Dimensions Chapter 4 Multivariate Distributions Chapter 5 Theory of the Multinormal Chapter 6 Theory of Estimation Chapter 7 Hypothesis Testing Part III Multivariate Techniques Chapter 8 Regression Models Chapter 9 Variable Selection Chapter 10 Decomposition of Data Matrices by Factors Chapter 11 Principal Components Analysis Chapter 12 Factor Analysis Chapter 13 Cluster Analysis Chapter 14 Discriminant Analysis Chapter 15 Correspondence Analysis Chapter 16 Canonical Correlation Analysis Chapter 17 Multidimensional Scaling Chapter 18 Conjoint Measurement Analysis Chapter 19 Applications in Finance Chapter 20 Computationally Intensive Techniques Part IV Appendix Chapter 21 Symbols and Notations Chapter 22 Data
2023-09-18 20:12:47 11.83MB Multivariate Data Analysis
Python for Data Analysis每个章节中的数据。
2023-09-09 11:38:00 40.33MB Python for Data Analysis
武汉数据分析 该系列资源是Python疫情大数据分析,涉及网络爬虫,可视化分析,GIS地图,情感分析,舆情分析,主题挖掘,威胁情报溯源,知识图谱,预测预警及AI和NLP应用等。博客阅读,武汉必胜,湖北必胜,中国必胜! 发布者:Eastmount CSDN YXZ 2020-02-20 译文推荐: 我们们中国人一生的最高追求,为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。以一人之力系。他们真是做到了,武汉加油,中国加油!
2023-04-13 00:22:29 36.37MB HTML
用Python进行Ansys数据分析 分析从Ansys仿真中提取的数据。
2023-04-05 19:01:27 178KB JupyterNotebook
Python Pandas官方最新的开发文档,权威资料,用得放心。
2023-04-05 00:28:28 10.39MB pandas 数据挖掘 人工智能 Python
一本免费的统计教科书,重点介绍核和粒子物理学中的现代应用。 主题包括现代实验中的数据分析和可能性。
2023-03-27 12:21:38 6.14MB 计算机科学
2023-03-20 12:56:16 23.58MB JupyterNotebook