This test plan defines general requirements for equipment configurations, laboratory techniques, test methodologies, and evaluation criteria that must be met in order to ensure the accurate, repeatable, and uniform testing of wireless devices to ensure that they meet CTIA Certification standards. This test plan also defines a portion of the requirements that a laboratory must satisfy to qualify for and maintain CTIA Authorized Testing Laboratory (CATL) status (contact the CTIA Certification Program staff for complete CATL requirements). This test plan does not provide specific test equipment configurations or detailed test instructions by which to execute certification testing. Such documentation and procedures must be presented by the CATL as part of the CTIA authorization process and subsequently maintained and employed by the CATL to remain authorized to perform Certification testing.
2023-03-24 17:39:34 21.55MB ctia python
Test Plan for Wireless Device Over-the-Air Performance, Method of Measurement for Radiated RF Power and Receiver Performance.
2022-03-21 20:49:36 22.9MB CTIA OTA
This test document specifies test methodologies and performance criteria for the RF performance evaluation of WiFi mobile converged devices. The scope of testing includes Handheld, self-contained Wi-Fi/Mobile Module, Access Point, Notebook and Tablet devices that support IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b,802.11g or 802.11n [2] as well as cellular technologies. Support for IEEE 802.11 standards must be confirmed through Wi-Fi Alliance baseline certification—that is, devices tested using this test plan must first be Wi-Fi CERTIFIED for IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g or 802.11n [4]. Cellular technologies include GSM, CDMA, UMTS (WCDMA), LTE and TD-SCDMA. The purpose of this document is to define the test methodology for the RF testing of Wi-Fi mobile converged devices and to specify the test conditions for each test case. The testing covers client devices and access points and specifies conducted as well as radiated tests.
2022-03-18 23:37:21 1.01MB CTIA Wi-Fi Wi-Fi
CTIA OTA毫米波测试标准
2021-06-19 16:27:03 2.42MB ota ctia 毫米波
2021-04-06 14:03:17 1.95MB OTA标准
最新完整英文版CTIA-Battery Compliance Certification Program(电池合规认证计划)。 本计划文档旨在验证适用产品是否符合IEEE Std 1725™-2011蜂窝电话可充电电池标准和IEEE Std 1625™-2008多电池移动计算设备可充电电池标准。
2021-03-29 10:05:47 278KB CTIA battery 电池 符合
最新完整英文版CTIA-Battery Life Certification Program(CTIA-电池寿命认证计划)。 CTIA电池寿命认证计划的目的是提供智能手机预期电池寿命的估计。测试按照CTIA认证电池寿命测试计划的规定进行。
2021-03-29 10:05:46 83KB CTIA battery 电池 life
完整英文版(10页)CTIA-Certification Device Hardware Reliability Certification Program(认证设备硬件可靠性认证计划)。 CTIA认证设备硬件可靠性认证计划的目的是评估无线设备在CTIA认证设备硬件可靠性测试计划中定义的特定领域的可靠性。
2021-03-29 10:05:45 81KB ctia 设备 可靠性 认证
完整英文版CTIA-Cybersecurity Certification Program for IoT Devices(物联网设备网络安全认证计划)。 本文件定义了CTIA认证计划对受管理的物联网(IoT)设备的网络安全认证的要求。在本文件中,物联网设备包含一个提供身份和认证功能的物联网应用层,以及至少一个支持5G、4G LTE Wi-Fi®的通信模块。
2021-03-29 10:05:22 379KB ctia IoT 物联网 网络安全
本PTCRB项目管理文件(PPMD)的目的是为GERAN、UTRA、E-UTRA和NR设备认证提供一个框架。 PTCRB认证是对设备进行技术评估,使其满足在运营商网络上注册的最低要求的过程,运营商利用PTCRB认证计划评估设备是否符合无线行业要求。 这个过程建议所有开发预期在这些网络上运行的设备的制造商使用。任何设备制造商都可以按照本文件中概述的流程提交设备进行PTCRB认证。提交设备进行认证并不需要成为CTIA认证的成员。
2021-03-29 10:05:22 506KB PTCRB ctia 项目管理 认证