2022-12-21 13:01:44 8.03MB 启动盘 工具 U盘
最近项目需要用QT开发组织架构图,本来先网上找个demo拿来即用,但是找了一圈,要么不能编译,要么运行崩溃,要么很粗糙什么细节都没做,离实际应用差距甚远。于是我自己重新编写调试,耗费几天时间,在Window10 X64上运行,五层级别,右键增加或删除节点 会自动调整位置,也可以重置,双击可修改节点,鼠标滑过可以展现部门职位信息,按住鼠标左键可以移动视图,鼠标滚轮可以缩放试图。数据会自动保存到SQlite,下次打开会读取加载数据。
2022-10-09 18:00:56 17.99MB QT6 组织架构图 桌面APP 跨平台开发
win7旗舰版升级成win10系统,出现错误代码 0X80072F8F - 0X20000 ,先下载运行“Easy fix 51044”,再下载安装"Media creation tool21H2.exe"
2022-09-21 17:00:50 303KB 系统升级
creation of simple ofdm symbols
2022-09-21 09:00:31 1KB creation
Skybox Creator let you create great looking skyboxes right inside Unity! URP and HDRP supported! Download demo builds to see skies in action! No need to waste hours on searching for a matching skybox for your scene. Create it yourself! Set the time of day, clouds types, visuals and coverage and bake it to a cubemap, individual six images or as animated video for use as skybox! Unmatched quality and performance! Skyboxes are faster and more detailed than every other realtime sky solution. Idea
2022-05-31 19:08:37 51.82MB unity 文档资料 游戏引擎
这是一个Creation kit教程威力加强版
2022-05-31 16:53:41 12.1MB Creation kit
2022-04-28 23:52:52 18KB 庞加莱 数学
Unity 地形工具 Gaia
2022-04-27 15:51:22 889.68MB Gaia Unity
解决Fiddler提示creation of the root certificate was not successful
2022-04-15 13:09:02 1KB fiddler 前端 测试工具 爬虫