Are You Ready to Learn Python Programming FASTER Than You Ever Thought Possible? Welcome to the Ultimate Crash Course on Python! Are you ready to unlock the keys to the future? If your answer is a resounding 'YES!', then this crash course on Python Programming is exactly what you need in your toolkit. In these days of the 3.0 era, there are essential tools that we must absolutely have at hand to solve everyday problems. And guess what? One of these skills consists of... how to use programming languages. Perhaps you are an amateur just getting started with Python, or maybe you already know a few things about this exciting programming language and you'd like to reach for the next level. Which one are you? Actually, it doesn't matter! This course will approach Python Programming from both starting points! The aim is to achieve all the necessary skills to learn how to program Python in under 12 hours. This is not a mere theoretical book. In here, you'll find tons of useful exercises and tasks that will take your Python skills to a whole new level. You'll experience in first person how simple and entertaining Python can be! This book will assist you not only to develop and improve your skills, but most importantly, it will help you unlock the joy learning a new programming language can unexpectedly bring. You can be sure of that! The idea we're proposing is quite simple. You will learn Python from zero to hero, in less than half a day. We will go from the root to the top of this ground-breaking programming language, and from there we'll build the solid foundations you are looking for. And at the end you will find a special bonus! Here Is a Preview of What You'll Learn Inside... • History of Python • What is Python? • Installation of Python • Python Language Structure, Variables and Operators • User Input and Strings in Python • Boolean Logic , Loops, Tuples, and Dictionaries • Functions/Methods, Classes • Debugging, Exception Handling, Threading, Web Crawlers • Much, much more! What are you waiting for? See you inside, Eprogramy Table of Contents Chapter 1: Python Programming Language Chapter 2: Installation of Python Chapter 3: Python Language Structure Chapter 4: Python Variables Chapter 5: Python Operators Chapter 6: User Input Chapter 7: Strings in Python Chapter 8: Boolean Logic Chapter 9: Loops, Tuples, and Dictionaries Chapter 10: Functions/Methods Chapter 11: Classes Chapter 12: Debugging Chapter 13: Exception Handling Chapter 14: Threading Chapter 15: Web Crawlers Chapter 16: Example Programs Chapter 17: Final Words
2023-09-04 00:51:22 465KB Python Crash Course
 内存分配和回收更快,因为每次都是在一个池中完成的。分配可以在 O(1)时间内完 成,释放内存池所需时间也差不多(实际上是 O(n)时间,不过在大部分情况下会除 以一个大的因数,使其变成 O(1))。  可以预先分配错误处理池(Error-handling pools),以便程序在常规内存被耗尽时仍 可以恢复。  有非常易于使用的标准实现。 池式内存的缺点是:  内存池只适用于操作可以分阶段的程序。  内存池通常不能与第三方库很好地合作。  如果程序的结构发生变化,则不得不修改内存池,这可能会导致内存管理系统的重 新设计。  您必须记住需要从哪个池进行分配。另外,如果在这里出错,就很难捕获该内存池。 3. 引用计数 在引用计数中,所有共享的数据结构都有一个域来包含当前活动“引用”结构的次数。 当向一个程序传递一个指向某个数据结构指针时,该程序会将引用计数增加 1。实质上,是 在告诉数据结构,它正在被存储在多少个位置上。然后,当进程完成对它的使用后,该程序 就会将引用计数减少 1。结束这个动作之后,它还会检查计数是否已经减到零。如果是,那 么它将释放内存。 在 Java,Perl 等高级语言中,进行内存管理时使用引用计数非常广泛。在这些语言中, 引用计数由语言自动地处理,所以您根本不必担心它,除非要编写扩展模块。由于所有内容 都必须进行引用计数,所以这会对速度产生一些影响,但它极大地提高了编程的安全性和方 便性。 以下是引用计数的好处:  实现简单。  易于使用。  由于引用是数据结构的一部分,所以它有一个好的缓存位置。 不过,它也有其不足之处:  要求您永远不要忘记调用引用计数函数。  无法释放作为循环数据结构的一部分的结构。  减缓几乎每一个指针的分配。  尽管所使用的对象采用了引用计数,但是当使用异常处理(比如 try 或 setjmp()/ longjmp())时,您必须采取其他方法。  需要额外的内存来处理引用。  引用计数占用了结构中的第一个位置,在大部分机器中最快可以访问到的就是这个 位置。
2022-12-29 17:17:10 1.81MB neicun
Author: Josh Lospinoso Pub Date: 2019 ISBN: 978-1593278885 Pages: 792 Language: English Format: PDF Size: 10 Mb A fast-paced, thorough introduction to modern C++ written for experienced programmers. After reading C++ Crash Course, you’ll be proficient in the core language concepts, the C++ Standard Library, and the Boost Libraries. C++ is one of the most widely used languages for real-world software. In the hands of a knowledgeable programmer, C++ can produce small, efficient, and readable code that any programmer would be proud of. Designed for intermediate to advanced programmers, C++ Crash Course cuts through the weeds to get you straight to the core of C++17, the most modern revision of the ISO standard. Part 1 covers the core of the C++ language, where you’ll learn about everything from types and functions, to the object life cycle and expressions. Part 2 introduces you to the C++ Standard Library and Boost Libraries, where you’ll learn about all of the high-quality, fully-featured facilities available to you. You’ll cover special utility classes, data structures, and algorithms, and learn how to manipulate file systems and build high-performance programs that communicate over networks. You’ll learn all the major features of modern C++, including: Fundamental types, reference types, and user-defined types The object lifecycle including storage duration, memory management, exceptions, call stacks, and the RAII paradigm Compile-time polymorphism with templates and run-time polymorphism with virtual classes Advanced expressions, statements, and functions Smart pointers, data structures, dates and times, numerics, and probability/statistics facilities Containers, iterators, strings, and algorithms Streams and files, concurrency, networking, and application development With well over 500 code samples and nearly 100 exercises, C++ Crash Course is sure to help you build a strong C++ foundation.
2022-08-05 15:58:14 10.14MB c++17
Google的Python速成课程 Google在Coursera上提供的“带有Python专业证书的Google IT自动化”课程的一部分专业化课程 第2周:基本的Python语法 练习测验:表达式和变量 练习测验:功能 练习测验:有条件的 单元2分级评估 第三周:循环 练习测验:While循环 练习测验:循环 练习测验:递归(可选) 单元3分级评估 第4周:字符串,列表和字典 练习测验:字符串 练习测验:列表 练习测验:字典 单元4分级评估 第五周:面向对象编程(可选) 面向对象编程的基础 方法和类(可选) 代码重用(可选) 练习笔记本:面向对象的编程(可选) 第六周:最终项目 练习笔记本-放在一起 最终项目:WordCloud
2022-08-05 01:21:42 58KB python coursera python3 python-crash-course
What a wonderful Python e-book! Everyone is welcome to download it! Please support the genuine book!
2022-07-12 18:30:27 9.11MB Python English
目录网盘文件永久链接 1. 计算机早期历史-Early Computing 2. 电子计算机-Electronic Computing 3. 布尔逻辑 和 逻辑门-Boolean Logic & Logic Gates 4. 二进制-Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary 5. 算术逻辑单元-How Computers Calculate-the ALU 6. 寄存器 & 内存-Registers and RAM 7. 中央处理器(CPU) 8. 指令和程序 9. 高级CPU设计-Advanced CPU Designs 10. 早期的编程方式-Early Programming 11. 编程语言发展史-The First Programming Languages 12. 编程原理-语句和函数-Programming Basics - Statements & Functions 13. 算法入门 - Intro to Algorithms 14. 数据结构-Data Structures 15. .........
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Python Crash Course 2nd Edition。经典Python图书,2019年5月最新出版的第二版,清晰文字源生PDF。
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计算机科学速成课 :fire: 2018年5月1号-全40集完结撒花 精校版: 字幕也放出来了(40集中英字幕) 两个版本: 另外,片头总结在这篇文章的底部感谢观看,别忘了变得很棒! 感谢所有翻译人员! 不想膨胀的小R- ,, 糖醋陈皮- ,, ZireHao- 吉洛特 晴空 疯猫 辛迪 出门去 TMC-RN LCAR979(推特_lincr_ ) 第一版翻译(不推荐观看,看精校版即可): 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7-- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 40- 精校版质量更好,建议看精校版,之所以第一版目录不删除: 方便快速扫视,看都聊什么话题 方便翻阅之前的版本(如果有
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Coursera-Crash-Course-on-Python:带有Python专业证书的Google IT自动化的一部分。 练习测验和模块等级评估的解决方案
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