我将VSCode Cpptools的相关所有依赖包以及我的VSCode Cpptools完整扩展包上传了,如果你缺少什么就加什么,也可以将这些包分别全加进行,参考我的完整扩展包即可,若还是不行,可以将我的完整扩展包替换掉你原来的扩展包,ps:我没试过!!!
2022-07-26 12:55:15 53.25MB vscode cpptool
公司访问github 上传方便自己使用 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cpptools/releases/tag/1.6.0 Requirements VS Code 1.58.0 or later.
2021-09-05 09:06:44 48MB cpp vscode cpptool
VScode cpptool插件 离线安装包2.8.3 To use the "offline" .vsix (that doesn't download OS-based dependencies on extension activation), download the .vsix that matches your OS and run the "Install from VSIX" command in VS Code. Requirements VS Code 1.43.0 or later. 32-bit Linux is no longer supported. #5346 Changes Version 0.28.3: June 9, 2020
2021-08-26 16:03:44 19.5MB cpptool cpp VScode