energy_consumption_in_MU_MIMO_with_mobility 此代码计算单小区多用户MIMO系统的下行链路中的能耗,在该系统中,基站(BS)使用N个天线与K个单天线用户设备(UE)通信。 UE根据随机步行移动性模型在小区中四处移动。
2023-04-07 21:19:30 7KB MATLAB
A method for time accrual outlier analysis of Traction Energy Consumption (TEC. The system architecture of the typical value of TEC is proposed, composed of three elements: research object, evaluation index, and time scale. The time series forecasting algorithm calculates the specific value of the cumulative energy consumption index in each energy consumption mode. For the abnormality of the TEC pattern, the distance of the string vector is used as the similarity measure. Th
2022-10-08 09:06:21 1.02MB PAA SAX
i.MX 8M Quad Power Consumption Measurement
2022-04-30 12:00:38 723KB imx
2022-04-19 19:15:23 17.89MB 天池ai 电力 负荷预测
我的EMS | | MyEMS介绍 MyEMS是行业领先的开源能源管理系统,利用云计算,物联网,大数据,人工智能等信息化技术构建而成。团队开发维护,系统代码基于MIT开放软件许可协议发布。 MyEMS架构 MyEMS组件(社区版) MyEMS项目由以下组件构成: MyEMS Web应用 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS管理面板 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS数据库 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS数据清洗服务 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS数据规范化服务 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS数据汇总服务 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS数据接口API 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS MQTT数据发布服务(从MyEMS转发到第三方) 获取更多信息。 MyEMS BACnet / IP数据采集服务 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS Modbus TCP数据采集服务 参考获取更多信息。 MyEMS截图 功
无线网络中传统的JPEG2000图像压缩传输算法存在很多缺点,例如网络中的资源能耗大,压缩图像采集节点的压力和能耗大,传输时间长,基于JPEG2000的图像压缩算法。提出了奇异值分解。 通过分析奇异值分解和网络能耗模型,将基于奇异值分解的块自适应压缩算法用于图像压缩处理。 同时,将网络数据处理和远距离数据传输的任务分配给不同的角色节点,以完成平衡网络能耗的分配。 最后,进行了详细的实验仿真,实验结果表明,与传统的压缩算法(JPEG2000图像压缩)相比,基于奇异值分解的图像压缩算法大大减轻了网络摄像机关键节点的能耗,提高了网络速度。无线多媒体传感器网络中多媒体数据的传输和质量。
2021-12-19 12:36:05 519KB network energy consumption; camera
ABSTRACT In the last few years, power dissipation has become an important design constraint, on par with performance, in the design of new computer systems. Whereas in the past, the primary job of the computer architect was to translate improvements in operating frequency and transistor count into performance, now power efficiency must be taken into account at every step of the design process. While for some time, architects have been successful in delivering 40% to 50% annual improvement in processor performance, costs that were previously brushed aside eventually caught up. The most critical of these costs is the inexorable increase in power dissipation and power density in processors. Power dissipation issues have catalyzed new topic areas in computer architecture, resulting in a substantial body of work on more power-efficient architectures. Power dissipation coupled with diminishing performance gains, was also the main cause for the switch from single-core to multi-core architectures and a slowdown in frequency increase. This book aims to document some of the most important architectural techniques that were invented, proposed, and applied to reduce both dynamic power and static power dissipation in processors and memory hierarchies. A significant number of techniques have been proposed for a wide range of situations and this book synthesizes those techniques by focusing on their common characteristics.
2021-12-17 08:19:36 5.25MB Computer power consumption computer
TCI6614 Power Consumption Summary
2021-11-29 13:01:52 256KB TCI6614 PowerConsumptio
java实现校园一卡通源码 校园卡刷卡消费系统上位机: 这个小项目是我毕业设计的作品,这是上位机部分的java代码,下面就各部分做一下简单介绍: 1. 开发环境 java代码基于Eclipse开发环境(切记使用JDK1.8以下的版本进行开发,我使用的是JDK1.7),数据库是SQL Server 2008,消费报表部分是利用的DynamicReports插件,这个动态报表需要添加一部分复杂的第三方包,在我的CSDN的博客有介绍,下面附上链接: ,另外当时用MSP430单片机和GSM模块没有调出来下位机发送报警短信,所以改用上位机用java的RXTX.jar包来进行串口通信。 2. 项目目录介绍 (1)bin文件夹里面有一个fanka.jpg的图片,是我的上位机系统的背景页面,就让它呆在这里就好了,没有这个图片会报错。 (2)Required third party package文件夹里面主要包含的是DynamicReports所需要的jar包、Server 2008需要的驱动包、串口通信的RXTX.jar包 (这个添加第三方包的时候注意一下路径就OK了)。 (3)src文件夹里面放的
2021-11-20 10:53:03 17.82MB 系统开源