从DDPM到score-based generative models再到Consistency Models的介绍,对于扩散模型的全面理解有一定的帮助。
2024-06-13 12:21:17 51.62MB 扩散模型 人工智能
平滑分类器认证稳健性的一致性正则化 (NeurIPS2020) 该存储库包含和的论文“平滑分类器的证明稳健性的一致性正则化”代码。 依存关系 conda create -n smoothing-consistency python=3 conda activate smoothing-consistency # IMPORTANT: Please make sure `pytorch != 1.4.0` # Currently, our code is not compatible to `pytorch == 1.4.0`; # See more details at `https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/32395`. # Below is for linux, with CUDA 10; see https://pytorc
A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence,主要介绍了Memory同一性和cache一致性的定义以及相关模型和协议。例如SC模型,TSO模型,松散序模型和cache一致性的两种协议:snoopy协议和目录一致性协议。对于学习比较有用
2022-08-14 23:46:59 3.99MB memory consi cache cohere
PDF版本最大的好处是排版比知乎的排版要好,而且方便。 我本着最大的专业性去翻译每一个章节,每一句话。 翻译这本文档花费了我大量业余时间,其中难免有错,请多多包含并结合英文原本一起食用。 码字不易,如果要转载麻烦帮忙注明一下作者的CSDN和知乎地址,谢谢 CSDN : https://blog.csdn.net/vivo01 知乎: https://www.zhihu.com/people/thankyouxq 注意: PDF版本中存在的部分错误(主要是有错别字),不影响阅读,在知乎版本中已修改。
2022-08-09 09:02:49 10.84MB 其他 计算机原理 cache一致性
Weak Consistency - A Generalized Theory and Optimistic Implementations for Distributed Transactions.pdf Current commercial databases allow application programmers to trade off consistency for performance. However, existing definitions of weak consistency levels are either imprecise or they disallow efficient implementation techniques such as optimism. Ruling out these techniques is especially unfortunate because commercial databases support optimistic mechanisms. Furthermore, optimism is ...
2022-07-12 09:06:52 671KB 数据库 分布式事务 一致性
DB - Consistency Tradeoffs in Modern Distributed Database System Design The CAP theorem’s impact on modern distributed database system design is more limited than is often perceived. Another tradeoff—between consistency and latency —has had a more direct influence on several well-known DDBSs. A proposed new formulation, PACELC, unifies this tradeoff with CAP.
2022-07-11 14:07:34 562KB 数据库 CAP 分布式一致性协议
解释一致性框架 该存储库包含在Explantion Consistency Framework(ECF)的开发中使用的整个代码库。 ECF是在我的整个硕士论文中进行研究和开发的,可以评估和比较LIME和SHAP等不同解释方法之间的解释质量。 此外,笔记本还包含对使用的数据集的描述性和视觉分析,以及包括XGB和LSTM在内的一系列预测模型的实现,以及两种解释方法LIME和SHAP的应用。
2022-03-01 16:07:33 4.85MB JupyterNotebook
有关cache coherence和consistency的经典书籍
2021-10-04 15:02:24 4.14MB cache coherence
Shared Memory Consistency Models A Tutorial.pdf
2021-09-18 19:01:44 142KB memory