Numerical Analysis Mathematics of Scientific Computing
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2.15 三相三线/四线应用 三相四线模式: HT7036采用三元件测量方法,合相功率计算公式为: 三相三线模式:HT7036采用两元件测量方法,合相功率计算公式为: 在三相三线模式下HT7036的B相通道不参加功率计量,只有A相和C相通道参与三相三线的测量。 但是HT7036可以将B通道的参数单独放出,只要在B相通道的电压与电流通道上加入相应信号,在三相 三线模式下仍可读取Pb/Qb/Sb/Urmsb/Irmsb/Pfb/Pgb参数,但是B通道的电压和电流通道上所加的信号不 会对三相三线的正常测量产生不良影响。 另外三相三线模式下.Urmsb寄存器可选择B通道输入信号,也可选择通过内部矢量方式直接计算 Uac有效值。 2.16 能量脉冲输出 两个高频脉冲输出CF1/CF2, 对应关系如下: 脉冲管脚 输出能量 CF1 全波有功电能 PF CF2 全波/基波无功电能 QF
2024-08-20 11:22:18 1.19MB HT7036
大数据和云计算 - 作业 3 网站: : 团队: 朱莉安娜 Louback - jl4354 恩里克·斯皮拉·古伯特 - hs2807 Radu Michael Moldoveanu - rmm2231 注意:我们实施了分析以查看情绪如何随着时间的推移而演变以获得额外的分数。 内容 web_interface :显示所有分析的 Web 应用程序 情绪分析:带有地图减少程序的文件夹,用于提取趋势和情绪时间序列 find_top_trends :处理地图减少作业输出并准备可视化的Java程序 find_top_positive_and_negative_keywords :处理地图减少作业输出并准备可视化的Java程序 merge_sentiment_timeseries :处理地图减少作业输出并准备可视化的java程序 copy_tweet_data :将推文原始数据传输到我
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Scientific Computing With Matlab And Octave 2nd Edition
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Mastering Python Scientific Computing By Hemant Kumar Mehta 2015 | 300 Pages A complete guide for Python programmers to master scientific computing using Python APIs and tools If you are a Python programmer and want to get your hands on scientific computing, this book is for you. The book expects you to have had exposure to various concepts of Python programming. In today's world, along with theoretical and experimental work, scientific computing has become an important part of scientific disciplines. Numerical calculations, simulations and computer modeling in this day and age form the vast majority of both experimental and theoretical papers. In the scientific method, replication and reproducibility are two important contributing factors. A complete and concrete scientific result should be reproducible and replicable. Python is suitable for scientific computing. A large community of users, plenty of help and documentation, a large collection of scientific libraries and environments, great performance, and good support makes Python a great choice for scientific computing. At present Python is among the top choices for developing scientific workflow and the book targets existing Python developers to master this domain using Python. The main things to learn in the book are the concept of scientific workflow, managing scientific workflow data and performing computation on this data using Python.
2024-04-09 16:11:02 3.3MB Python
mfem:轻量,通用,可扩展的C ++库,用于有限元方法
Distributed Computing with Python by Francesco Pierfederici AZW3/MOBI/EPUB/PDF 多版本 This book will teach you how to perform parallel execution of computations by distributing them across multiple processors in a single machine, thus improving the overall performance of a big data processing task. We will cover synchronous and asynchronous models, shared memory and file systems, communication between various processes, synchronization, and more.
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NUMERICAL RECIPES -- The Art of Scientific Computing, Third Edition © Cambridge University Press 1988, 1992, 2002, 2007 except for 13.10, which is placed into
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2023-06-21 16:22:11 19.4MB HCIA cloud computing 华为云计算
AMR-风 | | AMR-Wind是一种大规模并行,块状结构的自适应网格,不可压缩的流量切换器,用于风力涡轮机和风电场仿真。 该代码库是的专注于风的分支。 该求解器建立在顶部。 AMReX库提供了网格数据结构,网格适应性以及用于求解控制方程的线性求解器。 AMR-Wind由,和多机构热忱的团队积极开发和维护。 AMR-Wind的主要应用是:对大气边界层(ABL)流动进行大涡模拟(LES),使用致动器盘或涡轮致动器线模型来模拟风场涡轮-尾流相互作用,并在耦合时作为背景求解器与具有近距离方法的近身求解器(例如Nalu )一起对风电场中的多个风力涡轮机执行叶片分解模拟。 对于海上应用,建模海海相互作用影响及其对ABL特性的影响的能力是代码开发工作的另一个重点。 与生态系统中的其他代码,AMR-wind具有以下目标: 一个公开的,有据可查的,先进的计算模型实现,用于以各种保真度对风电场流
2023-04-26 21:14:44 1.25MB amr wind ecp exascale-computing