层次分析matlab代码基于分层分割的协同显着检测 1此代码适用于论文:** [1] Z. Liu,W。Zou,L。Li,L。Shen和O. Le Meur,“基于分层分段的共显着性检测”,IEEE信号处理。 Lett。,第一卷21号1,第88-92页,2014年1月。只能用于非商业目的。 如果您使用我们的代码,请引用论文[1]。 2此代码需要[2] P. Arbelaez,M。Maire,C。Fowlkes,J。Malik,“轮廓检测和分层图像分割”,IEEE模式分析和机器智能交易,第1卷。 33,不。 ,第5卷,第898-916页,2011年5月。[2]的源代码包含在“ lib”文件夹中,也可以从以下位置下载 3运行代码我们已经在ubuntu 12.04下测试了此代码。 在MATLAB中运行Demo.m,您将看到一个示例。
2022-10-14 17:08:55 13.34MB 系统开源
In this paper, we introduce a method to detect co-saliency from an image pair that may have some objects in common. The co-saliency is modeled as a linear combination of the single-image saliency map (SISM) and the multi-image saliency map (MISM). The first term is designed to describe the local attention, which is computed by using three saliency detection techniques available in literature. To compute the MISM, a co-multilayer graph is constructed by dividing the image pair into a spatial pyra
2021-04-21 21:43:36 1.83MB Attention model; co-saliency; similarity;
As a newly emerging and significant topic in computer vision community, co-saliency detection aims at discovering the common salient objects in multiple related images. The existing methods often generate the co-saliency map through a direct forward pipeline which is based on the designed cues or initialization, but lack the refinement-cycle scheme. Moreover, they mainly focus on RGB image and ignore the depth information for RGBD images. In this paper, we propose an iterative RGBD co-saliency f
2021-02-08 10:03:14 512KB Common probability depth shape