The OpenLens repository, is where Team Lens (Mirantis) develops the Lens IDE product together with the community. It is backed by a number of Kubernetes and cloud native ecosystem pioneers. This source code is available to everyone under the MIT license.
2022-11-26 10:21:15 118.49MB OpenLens Kubernete CloudNative
I still remember the first time I woke up in the middle of the night to a pager going off and discovering production was offline. Our systems were down, we inevitably were losing money, and it was my fault. Ever since that moment I have been obsessed with architecting rock-solid infrastruc‐ ture and infrastructure management systems so that I never find myself in that situa‐ tion again. Over my career I have contributed to Terraform, Kubernetes, The Go Programming Language, and Kops, and created Kubicorn. I not only have witnessed the evolution of systems infrastructure, but I have helped shape it as well. As the infrastructure industry develops, we are discovering that enterprise infrastructure is now being managed in new and exciting ways via the application layers of the stack. Kubernetes is, by far, the most mature example of this new paradigm of managing infrastructure.
2021-11-01 13:59:55 3.38MB CloudNative
这个Hyperf骨架包是啥? Hyperf官方提供了容器容器,配置选项又非常开放,将Hyperf部署到云端本身并不复杂。我们以Kubernetes为例,对Hyperper的堆栈包进行一些改造,使它可以优雅的运行于Kubernetes上。 请参见这篇博客: : 与Hyperf官方骨骼的区别 增加Kubernetes健康检查路由(具体内容仍需用户自主实现) 按照Docker容器习惯,将日志输出到stdout 在生产环境时输出JSON格式适合集成的FluentBit,ELK等收集工具。 根据环境变量设置不同的日志等级 默认集成跟踪和指标组件 默认使用基本模式,只开启1过程。此模式可配合Kubernetes HPA实现进程级别的扩容与缩容。 由于上述原因,Metric组件默认不开启独立进程,直接从路由输出 工人终止时进行计时器清理,实现在Kubernetes下优雅退出 追踪使用Jaeger
2021-07-14 11:32:26 588KB kubernetes php-framework cloudnative hyperf
2021-07-07 19:03:08 5.78MB 微服务 智慧微服务 服务架构
云原生是近几年云计算领域炙手可热的话题,云原生技术已成为驱动业务增长的重要引擎。同时,作为新型基础设 施的重要支撑技术,云原生也逐渐在人工智能、大数据、边缘计算、5G 等新兴领域崭露头角。伴随各行业上云的逐步深化, 云原生化转型进程将进一步加速。
2021-04-12 12:03:18 17.40MB 云原生 CloudNative 华为云原生2.0
该书从全局介绍云原生技术,不涉及太多技术细节。适合想初步了解相关领域的同学阅读。 《Cloud Native - Using Containers, Functions, and Data to Build Next-Generation Applications》 解压密码:cloudnative
2021-03-29 11:27:14 4.65MB cloudnative 云原生 docker pdf