GitHub上的计算机科学课程 该存储库包含有关使用GitHub进行计算机科学课程的研讨会的材料。 查看材料 生成并运行 安装 克隆存储库 运行npm install来安装依赖项 运行npm run build将演示文稿构建到dist文件夹中。 您可以将此dist文件夹放在网络服务器上以发布材料。 在内容创建期间运行npm start以进行更改以进行构建并使用本地开发服务器进行服务
2023-10-30 10:13:37 803KB github classroom education HTML
Adobe Audition CC Classroom in a Book (2nd Edition) By 作者: Adobe Creative Team – Maxim Jago ISBN-10 书号: 0135228328 ISBN-13 书号: 9780135228326 Edition 版本: 2 出版日期: 2018-11-17 pages 页数: (352 ) The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Audition CC Classroom in a Book®, the best-selling series of hands-on so ware training workbooks, offers what no other book or training program does–an official training series from Adobe, developed with the support of Adobe product experts. Adobe Audition CC Classroom in a Book contains 17 lessons that cover the basics and beyond, providing countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. You can follow the book from start to finish or choose only those lessons that interest you. Purchasing this book includes valuable online extras. Follow the instructions in the book’s “Getting Started” section to unlock access to: Downloadable lesson files you need to work through the projects in the book Web Edition containing the complete text of the book, interactive quizzes, videos that walk you through the lessons step by step, and updated material covering new feature releases from Adobe What you need to use this book: Adobe Audition CC software, for either Windows or macOS. (Software not included.) Note: Classroom in a Book does not replace the documentation, support, updates, or any other benefits of being a registered owner of Adobe Audition CC software. Contents Acknowlednents Important! Credits About the author Getting Started 1 Set Up Adobe Audition CC 2 The Audition Interface 3 Waveform Editing 4Effects 5 Audio Restoration 6 Mastering 7Sound Design 8 Creating and Recording Files 9 Multitrack Sessions 10 Multitrack Session Editing 11 Automation 12 Video Soundtracks 13 The Essential Sound Panel 14 The Multitrack Mixer 15 Creating Music with Sound Libraries 16 Recording and Output in the Multitrack Editor 17 Mixing Index
2022-11-12 22:42:59 31.99MB Design
Tencent Classroom
2022-10-09 19:00:31 184.63MB TencentClassroo
Poker for the Mathematics Classroom This document represents a summary of the overheads used in this workshop at AMATYC San Diego, Saturday November 12, 2005, 3:45 - 5:45 pm. Poker and the deck of cards helped civilize the West. Patterns on cards appeal both to the intellect and to the eyes; they enable concrete human senses to inform abstract mathematics. The game Texas Hold’em is sweeping the nation--being efficient for industry and pleasing for human psychology. Use it to garner student engagement with important math skills and concepts. This document appended with related probability activities from other AMATYC workshops.
2022-06-15 00:58:41 1.38MB Texas Hold'Em Poker Mathematics
HW4:手势跟踪和识别 对于本作业,您将使用OpenCV实现手势识别和跟踪。 然后,您将使用它来创建自定义手势,并控制键盘和鼠标操作。 进行手部追踪有两种基本方法:在本作业中将采用自底向上的特征工程和基于启发式的方法。 和“从数据中学习”的方法。 前者在早期的AR / VR系统中已被广泛使用。 后一种方法在今天很普遍,但不适用于此作业。 但是,“基于数据的学习”方法可以建立在我们处理这些分配的数据之上。 机器学习算法可以替代,扩展或增强您在本硬件中设计的启发式方法。 该作业旨在为您提供实际操作经验,以帮助您从实际视频Feed中提取可靠的输入信息。 这包括诸如人的手抽拉,处理轮廓和船体,实施启发式方法以针对您自己的手势设计重新装修系统以及使用这些手势信息来控制动作(在这种情况下为您的键盘和鼠标输入)之类的概念。 后勤 接受分配后,应该已经创建了一个单独的存储库“ hw4-gesture-
2022-05-15 21:45:29 6KB Python
Contents Starting up Lesson 1: Adobe Illustrator CS6 Jumpstart Lesson 2: Getting to Know the Workspace Lesson 3: Illustrator CS6 Essentials Lesson 4: Adding Color Lesson 5: Working with the Drawing Tools Lesson 6: Exploring Additional Color Options Lesson 7: Working with and Formatting Text Lesson 8: Organizing your Illustrations with Layers Lesson 9: Working with Symbols Lesson 10: Using Effects and Transparency Lesson 11: Exporting and Saving Files Lesson 12: Advanced Blending Techniques Lesson 13: Adobe Illustrator CS6 New Features Appendix: Adobe Illustrator Tools
2022-03-15 16:19:37 12.81MB Adobe Illustrator CS6 Digital
2022-01-29 16:10:22 108.55MB Illustrator
在线学习每年都在Swift增长。 但是,有一些因素与传统的课堂学习方法不同。 在在线学习中,教师(主持人)无法一次监视每个学生(参与者),这在课堂学习中是可能的。 因此,难以识别学习者的注意力。 本文提出了一种深度学习方法,用于在边缘计算中使用卷积神经网络检测学习者的注意力水平。 另外,跟踪浏览器的活动以进一步识别学习者的注意力水平。 神经网络将学生的注意力分类为四个不同类别之一,即高度专心,专心,不太专心和至少专心。 此关注级别是在边缘设备上计算的,并且仅最终输出发送到服务器。 结果,消耗了少量的带宽并且尊重了用户的隐私。 使用“电子环境中的情感状态数据集”(DAiSEE)对CNN模型进行了训练。 在实验过程中,有效的系统精度达到了84.1%。
2021-12-23 13:32:23 1018KB Online Classroom Digital Learning
2021-12-08 22:26:31 5.54MB 系统开源
一年级下册英语Unit 1 Classroom练习题.doc
2021-12-02 09:08:18 20KB