C# 使用chromium内核浏览器源码 When I hit a web site which I can not access because of a web filter, one of my options is to use the original Tor Browser which is a custom version of Firefox and I can simply say that "I don't like it". When I read the excellent article "Tor.NET - A managed Tor network library" by Chris Copeland, I started to play with the sample application in the project which uses the Internet Explorer component (WebBrowser). I've been using CefSharp Chromium browser component in my projects for some time and I changed the WebBrowser in the project with CefSharp and this is how this application came to life.
2022-11-28 18:23:46 12.36MB chromi
集成chrome 内核收集到的 cef_binary , 包含cef 1x,2x,41,43 版本。 具体看 https://www.spotify.com/sg-en/opensource/ cef 对应 chrome版本 cef_binary_1.1364.1123_windows cef_binary_3.1547.1412_windows32 cef_binary_3.2272.2077_windows32
2022-11-20 17:29:10 152.43MB cef chrome chromi
2021-10-07 13:39:41 162.92MB chromi qi
Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Copyright © 2019 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors.
2021-06-29 15:46:31 1.86MB Chromi