该工具不仅可以检查是否匹配, 还可以把不匹配的强制改为匹配, 也就是说EXE/DLL和PDB中的GUID相同, 这样在VS中就可以使用了
2021-08-03 01:10:28 49KB pdb 检查匹配
chkmatch [-c ExeFile DebugInfoFile ] | [-m ExeFile DebugInfoFile] -c Check matching between the executable and the debug information file. -m Make the executable and the debug information file match. ExeFile The name of the executable file. DebugInfoFile The name of the debug information file.
2021-07-19 14:35:34 41KB chkmatch
检查exe和pdb是否匹配:.\ChkMatch.exe -c xxx.exe xxx.pdb 强制exe和pdb匹配:.\ChkMatch.exe -m xxx.exe xxx.pdb
2021-07-15 21:01:09 37KB chkmatch pdb和exe匹配 win