人脸特征识别技术是基于生物的特征识别方式,每个人都有自己的人物特征,通过对人物的特征进行提取来达到识别人身份的目的。人脸识别技术采用的方法非常可靠,稳定性好,能够很好的对身份进行鉴别。目前生物特征识别中最受欢迎的就是人脸识别和人脸检测技术之一了,它是图像处理领域中研究的热门课题。它适用于公安机关办案、银行密码系统等多种领域。 关键词:PCA,主成分分析 Abstract Face feature recognition technology is based on the biometricfeaturerecognition method. Everyone has his or her own character features.The purpose of identifying people is to extract the characters'features. The methods used in face recognition technology are very reliable, stable and able to identify the identity well. At present, one of the most popular techniques in biometrics is face recognition and face detection, which is a hot topic in the field of image processing. It is suitable for public security organs to handle cases, bank password system and other fields. Keywords:PCA,principal component analysis
2021-11-25 17:10:16 509KB chepaishibie
。本文的图像预处理环节则采用图像灰度化和用 Roberts 算子对车牌进行边缘检测。车牌定位和分割采用的是利用数学形态法来确定车牌位置,然后利用车牌彩色信息的彩色分割法来完成车牌部位分割。分割后的字符先进行二值化处理,再对垂直投影进行扫描后完成对字符的分割。本课题是基于 Matlab 下的环境下对其进行仿真。
2019-12-21 19:47:00 203KB chepaishibie