2023-02-19 19:00:24 4.63MB unity3d lowpoly
2022-11-17 08:47:38 1.59MB ryu characters moves street-fighter
汉语词典 总计收录21104个汉字和符号。 符号包括标点符号和数学符号等 full.json为完整数据,包含细分: word , word pinyin ,带音调的拼音 pinyin2 ,无音调的拼音 strokes , strokes数 radical ,偏旁 url ,该字所在页面 html ,原页面详情部分html detail ,详情部分文本 full.{start}-{end}.json为分片后的数据,方便git diff slim.json删除了detail , url和html细分 words.json只保留汉字 pinyin-alias.json带音调和不带音调的单韵母的对照表 个人使用,禁止商用。
2022-11-12 11:06:31 33.36MB dataset chinese chinese-characters chinese-words
人物及道具模型 blender工程文件
2022-09-26 09:06:32 79.34MB blender
unity3d 游戏模型 human characters 带动作 low poly 角色人物.zip
2022-06-21 13:07:25 233.55MB unity3d游戏
字符识别 基于卷积递归网络的汉字识别库。 性能 识别图片中的字符 开发环境 WIN 10或Ubuntu 16.04 使用CUDA 10.0的PyTorch 1.2.0(可能会修复CTC丢失) :fire: yaml Easydict 张量板 数据 合成中文字符串数据集 下载 将lib / config / 360CC_config.yaml DATA:ROOT编辑为您的图像路径 DATASET: ROOT: 'to/your/images/path' 下载(密码:eaqb) 将char_std_5990.txt放入lib / dataset / txt / 并将trai
2021-12-29 16:41:25 51.36MB ocr recognition deep-learning pytorch
POLYGON – Modular Fantasy Hero Characters A low poly Modular Character asset pack to create characters for your fantasy game or make a character creator for your players to make their own hero. Key Features – 720 modular pieces with a custom shader to change colors – Demo scene included with random character generator script – Male and Female versions of each body part (not including unisex parts) – Capes rigged to work with Dynamic Bone – 120 Premade characters from the modular parts – Static versions for in game pick ups and use for UI etc Assets Modular Character Assets – Hair, Heads, Eyebrows, Facial Hair, Hats, Masks, Helmets, Torsos, Hips, Legs, Arms, Hands, Knee pads, Shoulder pads, Elbow Pads, Hip Attachments, Bags, Capes etc Weapon Assets – Axe, Dagger, Jousts, Maces, Shields, Shields, Staffs, Swords, Knives etc Compatibility – Works in Unity 2019.1 and above – Universal Render Pipeline (URP) – Characters setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack) Other Assets Combine this asset pack with our other Fantasy packs – – POLYGON Dungeons – POLYGON Knights – POLYGON Fantasy Rivals – POLYGON Fantasy Characters
2021-09-01 19:08:27 121B unity polygon
最长子串无重复字符 没有重复字符的最长子串的长度( )
2021-06-27 11:04:13 4KB Java
2021-06-08 18:08:32 23.34MB unity
2021-04-27 13:07:50 30KB 中文停止词