生态学模型 地球生物化学模型 century模型源代码 官网没有提供源代码的下载了.自己也是偶然发现的
2022-10-09 20:05:41 267KB
Soil Organic Matter Model Environment The CENTURY Model Version 4.0 embodies our best understanding to date of the biogeochemistry of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur. The primary purposes of the model are to provide a tool for ecosystem analysis, to test the consistency of data and to evaluate the effects of changes in management and climate on ecosystems. Evolution of the model will continue as our understanding of biogeochemical processes improves. The identification of problem areas where processes are not adequately quantified is key to further developments. Ideally, model application will lead to the identification of needed research and new experimentation to improve understanding.
2021-05-12 20:53:36 1.04MB CENTURY模型
Century模型作为一种工具主要用于分析生态系统,测试数据的一致性,并评价当管理及气象条件发生改变时对生态系统的影响。模型可以年为周期模拟碳、氮、磷、硫元素在几世纪或几千年的动力学过程。 Century模型可以对全球各国管理条件、生产力及农业生态系统的持续性不同的情况下,对多种作物种植系统和耕作方式进行系统性分析 。模型考虑了对土壤-植物生态系统的综合影响。模型对复杂的农业管理系统的模拟包括作物轮作、耕作方式、灌溉、放牧和收获方法。
2021-03-29 17:29:52 1022KB 模型