This book can be used in the following ways: 1. For a DSP course with a laboratory component, using parts of Chapters 1–9. If needed, the book can be supplemented with some additional theoretical materials, since its emphasis is on the practical aspects of DSP. It is possible to cover Chapter 7 on adaptive filtering following Chapter 4 on finite impulse response (FIR) filtering (since there is only one example in Chapter 7 that uses materials from Chapter 5). It is my conviction that adaptive filtering should be incorporated into an undergraduate course in DSP. 2. For a laboratory course using many of the examples and experiments from Chapters 1–7 and Chapter 9. The beginning of the semester can be devoted to short programming examples and experiments and the remainder of the semester for a final project. The wide range of sample projects (for both undergraduate and graduate students) discussed in Chapter 10 can be very valuable. 3. For a senior undergraduate or first-year graduate design project course using selected materials from Chapters 1–10. 4. For the practicing engineer as a tutorial and reference, and for workshops and seminars, using selected materials throughout the book.
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Digital Signal Processing And Applications With The c6713 And c6416 Dsk (2005)的随书光盘 此书下载比较方便(csdn就有),但是附属CD比较难找 我所知道的几个论坛 下载都要流量 论坛币什么的 很麻烦 我费了一阵子周折终于搞定……同大家分享啦
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这个讲的不错 希望对大家有用
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使用麦克风收听触摸电话上按下按钮时产生的声音并在 PC 上显示结果。 德州仪器 TMS320C5510 DSK 的 C 代码应用程序。也可应用于 C5000 系列中的其他设备。 MATLAB 和 Word 文档中提供了每个 Goertzel 频率的频率响应曲线。 此代码可用作学生项目的起点。
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