"威尔克姆9.0全兼容安装程序多国语言版"是一个专为用户提供全面兼容性的软件安装包,尤其强调了对Windows操作系统的广泛支持,包括最新的Windows 10以及较早版本如Windows 7和XP。这个安装程序的显著特点是其多语言特性,意味着它能够满足不同地区和语言背景用户的需求,提供了更便捷的使用体验。 威尔克姆(Wilmikom)可能是一个软件品牌,其产品在标签中被提及,但具体是哪一类软件并未明确。通常情况下,一个名为"威尔克姆9.0"的软件可能是一款专业级的应用,如设计工具、办公软件、数据库管理软件或者是系统优化工具等。由于它强调了对不同操作系统的兼容性,这表明它可能是跨平台的,有着广泛的用户基础。 对于Windows 10的支持,这意味着该软件已经过测试,能够在Microsoft的最新操作系统环境下稳定运行,用户无需担心与系统不兼容的问题。同时,对于Windows 7和XP的支持,这是对老用户的一个照顾,因为这两个系统虽然已不再受微软官方支持,但仍有一部分用户在使用。 "无解压密码"的描述表明这个压缩包是用户购买后提供的,因此用户可以直接下载并解压使用,无需额外寻找或输入解压密码,这简化了下载和安装的过程。而"真香"的评价则暗示了该软件的性能或功能得到了用户的认可,具有较高的性价比。 压缩包内的文件名与标题一致,进一步确认了这是一个包含威尔克姆9.0全兼容安装程序的完整包,用户只需下载并运行,即可进行安装。不过,具体安装步骤、软件功能、系统需求以及可能存在的许可协议等信息没有在当前描述中提供,这些通常会在安装过程中详细说明。 总结来说,"威尔克姆9.0全兼容安装程序多国语言版"是一个适用于多种Windows操作系统的软件,具备多语言界面,适合不同用户群体,并且用户评价良好,使用起来方便快捷。然而,要了解更多的细节,如软件的具体功能、如何使用以及可能的许可证限制,用户需要直接运行安装程序或者查找更详细的产品信息。
2024-12-03 19:36:35 94.53MB 威尔克姆
64位版本的 PLSQL 正式版,只能运行在64位系统中,需要你安装 64 位的 Oracle 客户端。 安装请查看说明。 APRIL 17, 2020 - VERSION 14.0 RELEASED Built-in Version Control support for Git and Subversion For these file control operations PL/SQL Developer relies on a 3rd party shell extension that must be installed on your system. In the screenshots above “GIT Extensions” has been used. Worksets A workset is a set of Program Windows, SQL Windows, Test Windows, Command Windows, Report Windows and Diagram Windows that you are working on. Internal difference viewer The new viewer allows you to ignore differences in case and white space as usual, but it can also ignore differences in comments. Program Window enhancements The Program Window now highlights transaction statements, so that you can visually recognize the code that affects a transaction. As soon as you place the cursor on a transaction statement, all related statements within a program unit will be highlighted Debugger enhancements A variable name and value can now be copied to the clipboard through the new “Copy variable” popup menu item. Editor enhancements A function key “Editor: Refresh Code Assistant” has been added, to bring the Code Assistant up to date after creating new database objects. When selecting a word, all matching words will be highlighted. Marked editor text is automatically copied to the search field of the Find function. SQL Window enhancements You can now display multiple result sets simultaneously and can compare them: CLOBs and BLOBs are now fetched on demand to improve query performance. Single record view will now show column comments if available. The EXCEL and CSV export filenames can now include substitution variable values. The EXCEL and CSV export filenames can now include %time%, %hh%, %mi% and %ss% variables. For the “Export Results as SQL file” function you can now customize the initialization and finalization. The WITH_PLSQL hint is now supported. Command Window enhancements New EXPORT TABLES and EXPORT OBJECTS commands have been added. This allows you to automate frequent export jobs. You can easily build the command-line from the interactive export tools. The BEAUTIFY command now supports wildcards. The CONNECT command now shows the database list after typing @. The WITH_PLSQL hint is now supported. Object Browser enhancements The Object Browser will now show all overloaded versions of functions and procedures. You can now filter on multiple comma-separated object names (e.g. “dept%, emp%”). You can now refresh materialized views from the popup menu. File Browser enhancements Git and Subversion support has been added. File icons now indicate the PL/SQL Developer file type. You can now filter files based on the name, size, date, read-only status, and version control status. You can specify the filter in the options dialog You also can enter the filter expression directly at the top of the File Browser All windows shell functions are now available from the popup menu. You can now create a specific PL/SQL Developer file type from the “Create File” popup menu item. You can now add multiple files to a project at once. Project enhancements Git and Subversion support has been added. File icons now indicate the PL/SQL Developer file type. Table Definition Editor enhancements The Index and Partition storage can now be edited, copied, and pasted directly in the grid. Support for Row Archival has been added. Test Manager enhancements You can now add multiple Test Script files at once. You can now drag & drop Test Script files from the File Browser. You can now enable or disable multiple items at once. Connection List enhancements Window icons now indicate the PL/SQL Developer window type. Connection status icon moved to the left for consistency. Session Window enhancements You can now define Session Actions that can be performed from the popup menu of the session list: Session Actions can display feedback by writing dbms_output. Other enhancements Function keys have been added for “Search Bar” functions (Focus, Search, Go to next, Go to previous). Substitution variable checkbox and list values can now refer to other variable values as &variable. An “Unregister License” function has been added. Fixes Fixes for multiple monitors with different display scaling (file selector, print dialogs, MDI window title bars, scrollbar width) Conditional sections could be displayed incorrectly in the Code Contents Define Connections and Select Connection tree was incorrect on a secondary display with different DPI settings Menu items with icons from templates were too small on high dpi monitors Ribbon / Menu customization form options were not preserved Editors with a right margin and wrapping enabled did not wrap at the right margin View Stack Dump function now places the error lines in center of the editor Connection matches did not process proxy user expressions (user1[user2]@database) correctly for the application background DBMS_Jobs could not be edited
2024-10-16 08:08:44 51.28MB PLSQL oracle
这是我大学老师上课用的ppt,演示的相当清晰,想要数据结构的朋友放心下吧.本ppt包括清华大学版数据结构c语言有章节,若从头到尾学完,做完配套的数据结构实验,你就可以成为数据结构高手了. 好东西忍不住拿出来分享,尽管老师说了不要到处发出去,这是数据结构老师多年的心血啊!!!
2024-08-12 20:18:19 1.89MB 数据结构 ppt 清华大学数据结构
种子包含很多文件 对于大多数人只要下载第一个iso就好了 注意:这是补丁包,不包含VS的安装文件
2024-07-15 12:54:37 29KB Visual Studio 2010
本投票系统,实现三个角色: 选民、备选对象、管理员; 实现参加票选、管理投票过程、结果查询与公布、加入投票等。代码要能提供以下几个基本功能。 (1)注册:每个进入系统的人员需注册,管理员不用 (2)查询功能:可以查阅参选对象的信息当前投票状态 参选对象 票数 排名 (3)管理人员可以查看注册信息用户名 手机号 投票次数 (4)提供菜单选项,设置用户角色,管理员和注册用户、参选对象:管理员:审核参选对象;可以修改投票次数的限定、选举时间限定;发布、统计投票结果;用户:查询投票情况,搜索参选对象,投票。 (5)对用户的输入进行一定的正确性检查。 (6)手机一天投票数量限制。比如:同意一个手机号码一天只能投一次,或者一天只能给一个参选者投一次票 说明:投票模拟系统除了**排名 **功能的算法还没有写,其余功能的算法均已完成,为了方便测试,选民和备选对象均已初始化了三组数据。
2024-06-19 22:53:35 8KB 开发语言
2024-05-28 13:10:06 24.93MB 数据结构
2024-03-28 18:53:08 5KB 版迅雷视频转换器 枚举文件
phpMyFAQ是一个支持多语言的FAQ系统,类似百度知道,支持多种数据库。phpMyFAQ具有内容管理功能,图片管理,支持多用户,用户组、新闻系统、用户跟踪、语言模块,支持 Microsoft Active
2024-03-26 14:44:48 7.28MB phpMyFAQ v3.0.1 多国语言版
phpMyFAQ是一个支持多语言的FAQ系统,类似百度知道,支持多种数据库。phpMyFAQ具有内容管理功能,图片管理,支持多用户,用户组、新闻系统、用户跟踪、语言模块,支持 Microsoft Active Directry 活动目录。phpMyFAQ具体有如下特性:支持多种数据库MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2,
2024-03-26 14:03:27 7.2MB 多国语言版
phpMyFAQ是一个支持多语言的FAQ系统,类似百度知道,支持多种数据库。phpMyFAQ具有内容管理功能,图片管理,支持多用户,用户组、新闻系统、用户跟踪、语言模块,支持 Microsoft Active
2024-03-26 13:31:16 7.28MB phpMyFAQ v3.0.0 多国语言版