Bitvise SSH Server版本为目前(2018.11.04)最新版8.17
2024-07-07 18:09:31 18.35MB Bitvise SSH Server
Bitvise SSH Server is used to accept connections from SSH clients. The server is intended to run for a prolonged period of time, and will provide SSH clients that connect with access configured by the server administrator. The SSH server might be configured to provide access to a terminal console, port forwarding, and/or file transfer to and from the server using SFTP and SCP. Bitvise SSH Client is used to initiate connections to SSH servers. It is usually used interactively, so it will only run when a user runs it, but it can also be launched unattended to run scripted commands or file transfers, or to maintain an SSH connection for port forwarding. The SSH client is used to access a terminal console on an SSH server, to initiate port forwarding, or to initiate file transfers to and from SSH servers using SFTP. Both products are connectivity products. They cannot be used standalone. For an SSH server to be useful, you need clients that will connect to it. For an SSH client to be useful, you need an SSH server to connect to. The two products can be installed on the same machine, but it makes no sense to connect an SSH client to an SSH server running on the same machine. The purpose of SSH is to securely connect computers across the network; using SSH to connect to a server on the same machine provides no benefit.
2022-12-28 20:16:16 10.33MB SSH
Windows最强ssh客户端推荐 —— Bitvise SSH Client。好不容易下载的,最版V8.18.
2022-11-28 22:53:28 21MB SSH BitVise SSH
ssh + sftp windows客户端
2022-10-31 18:05:09 25.46MB ssh sftp shell
BvSshServer-Inst.exe是bitvise ssh server的官方最新安装包,版本为v8..3.7,可用于windows和linux之间相互通信,传递复制文件使用
2022-05-19 16:49:50 19.73MB bitvise ssh
可支持win7 win10 Bitvise SSH客户端8.29有什么新功能 2019年3月23日 修复了以前的8.xx版本中的问题,如果SSH客户端尚未更新到新版本的时间超过42天,则尝试应用更新将因Windows注册表访问被拒绝错误而失败。
2022-04-15 10:12:35 20.19MB Bitvis 8.29 SFTP 支持win7
Bitvise SSH Client是款window上不错的免费的ssh客户端,支持SFTP, tunneling, terminal, FTP­to­SFTP bridge。除了支持比较重要的动态端口转发外,还支持多帐号登录、图形界面的SFTP、远程桌面等。 Bitvise SSH Client最新版是一款十分专业的端口转发工具,Bitvise SSH Client最新版支持socks4、socks4 a、socks5 和 http 连接代理隧道协议/支持pem证书,可以帮助大家轻松快捷的对本地文件和远端文件进行管理,并且Bitvise SSH Client最新版操作起来也很简单
2022-03-18 15:31:41 23.01MB ssh Bitvise
windows服务器可以用我们电脑自带的远程连接来进行连接,但是linux服务器就需要下载一款软件来连接管理了。软件有很多,这里我推荐使用Bitvise SSH。不但可以远程管理,还可以图形界面上传文件。
2022-03-03 13:44:10 20.25MB ubuntu linux ssh客户端 Bitvise
2021-12-26 17:03:02 327KB linux服务器 安装部署
Windows 最佳 SSH服务器 支持虚拟账号和实体帐号 支持隧道
2021-12-16 17:39:01 13.42MB ssh server Bitvise