Biology is Technology是一本关于合成生物技术的新书,作者Rob Carlson用非常通俗易懂的语言介绍了这一新兴领域的历史以及未来。假如说20世纪最后30年是属于计算机的时代,估计21世纪最初的30年将会是属于生物科技的时代。
2024-01-11 14:35:09 1.83MB Biology
该书从基因、RNA、蛋白质、表观遗传学四个方面介绍计算生物学和生物信息学知识、案例。作者是Ka-Chun Wong。该电子书文字可复制。
2024-01-10 15:10:38 7.38MB 计算生物学 生物信息学 表观遗传学
包括动物细胞植物细胞等等,细胞器很全,如果失效了可以联系我补档,qq 2947873981
2023-03-01 09:43:49 49B unity 模型
BioAmp EXG药丸 BioAmp EXG Pill是一个小巧的(2.54 X 1.00 cm)小巧的模拟前端(AFE)板,用于BioPotential信号采集,您可以将其与任何带有ADC的5v微控制器单元(MCU)一起使用。 它能够记录出版物级的生物电势信号,例如ECG,EMG,EOG和EEG,而无需包含任何专用的硬件/软件过滤器,有关更多信息,请参见。 硬件 正面 后退 方面 原理图 许可事实 OSHWA认证 执照 硬件 CERN开放式硬件许可证版本2-强互惠( CERN-OHL-S-2.0 )。 软件 MIT开源许可证。 说明文件: 这项工作是根据知识共享署名4.0国际许可获得许可的。
2022-12-30 19:50:36 8.43MB board hardware biology eeg
The Python code and supporting material, including example data files, are available as a single ZIP compressed archive. This must be uncompressed before use and will extract into a folder (directory) called "PythonForBiology", inside which the Python files, ending in ".py", and various sub-folders can be found. This arrangement of files and folders will allow the Python code to run directly from inside the uncompressed "PythonForBiology", i.e. the locations of any modules or data files mentioned in the code (and book) are specified relative to this location. The "examples" sub-folder contains all of the data files that are used as examples to support the Python code described in the book. The "databases" sub-folder relates to Chapter 20 and contains SQL and Python files sub-divided into sections to support both SQLite and MySQL database implementations. The "speedy" folder relates to Chapter 27 and contains code relevant to the binding of fast functions written in the C or Cython languages, including any files required for compilation. Many of the book chapters have a corresponding Python file containing the completed scripts and programs for that chapter. These files may be run directly as Python to test the code they contain. Note that several of these files will not work isolation, given that they import functionality from the others, which are assumed to be in the same folder. Chapters 1-4 and 10 do not have a corresponding Python file given that they only discuss the code in terms of short or incomplete fragments.
2022-12-11 21:14:25 7.85MB Python biology 生物信息学
WILEY SERIES IN MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Editor-in-Chief Simon Levin Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, USA Associate Editors Zvia Agur, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Odo Diekmann, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Marcus Feldman, Stanford University, USA Bryan Grenfell, Cambridge University, UK Philip Maini, Oxford University, UK Martin Nowak, Oxford University, UK Karl Sigmund, University of Vienna, Austria CHAPLAIN/SINGH/MCLACHLAN—On Growth and Form: Spatio-temporal Pattern Formation in Biology CHRISTIANSEN—Population Genetics of Multiple Loci CLOTE/BACKOFEN—Computational Molecular Biology: An Introduction DIEKMANN/HEESTERBEEK—Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation Reflecting the rapidly growing interest and research in the field of mathematical biology, this outstanding new book series examines the integration of mathematical and computational methods into biological work. It also encourages the advancement of theoretical and quantitative approaches to biology, and the development of biological organisation and function. The scope of the series is broad, ranging from molecular structure and processes to the dynamics of ecosystems and the biosphere, but unified through evolutionary and physical principles, and the interplay of processes across scales of biological organisation. Topics to be covered in the series include: • Cell and molecular biology • Functional morphology and physiology • Neurobiology and higher function • Immunology • Epidemiology • Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of interacting populations A fundamental research tool, the Wiley Series in Mathematical and Computational Biology provides essential and invaluable reading for biomathematicians and development biologists, as well as graduate students and researchers in mathematical biology and epidemiology.
2022-11-26 12:37:44 13.93MB Computational Molecular Biology An
Microbiology: An Introduction focuses on big picture concepts and themes in microbiology, encouraging students to visualize and synthesize tough topics such as microbial metabolism, immunology, and microbial genetics.
2022-04-18 13:12:46 127.49MB 英文原版书
细胞分子生物学, 英文原版,第四版(molecular biology of the cell)
2021-12-21 20:12:08 90.6MB 细胞生物学 英文原版
Python Programming for Biology Bioinformatics and Beyond
2021-12-04 14:05:50 26.93MB Python
zProt 用于读取和处理蛋白质数据库(pdb)文件的库
2021-11-30 11:24:22 350KB biology protein-sequences C