先通过实验观察不同平台目标组件的下拉列表。在Visual Studio中依序调整PlatformTarget为Any CPU, x86及x64,分别编译成EventPingPongAny.exe, EventPingPongX86.exe, EventPingPongX64.exe三个程序集。 再使用corflags EventPingPong*.exe的方法检查相关属性,得到结果如下: H:\Lab\EventPingPong\bin>corflags EventPingPongAny.exe Microsoft (R) .NET Framework CorFlags Conversion
2024-06-27 15:55:34 39KB .NET ar
基于Unity ARFoundation 实现的类似谷歌Just a line 的AR 绘画APP
2024-06-26 13:08:22 26KB unity ar
由于前段时间项目中使用到了自动换行的线性布局,本来打算用表格布局在里面一个个的用Java代码添加ImageView的,但是添加的View控件是不确定的,因为得靠服务器的数据返回,就这样手动用Java代码画布局的方式就这样夭折了,因为在表哥布局中我无法确定一行显示多少个ImageView的数目,所以无法动态添加,最后自能自己去看看那种能够换行的线性布局了,线性布局比较不好的是不能自动换行,也就是当设置LinearLayout的orentation 设置为vertical 为竖直方向也就是只有一列,每行只能显示一个View或者View的子类,当设置LinearLayout的orentitation
2024-06-17 17:25:43 104KB ar context
Unity 2018 Augmented Reality Projects: Build four immersive and fun AR applications using ARKit, ARCore, and Vuforia 英文版
2024-05-16 20:57:38 17.51MB Unity3d AR English Edition
Beginning iOS AR Game Development:Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler-November 24, 2018 Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler Apress English 2018-11-19 244 pages Details Title: Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# Author: Allan Fowler Length: 244 pages Edition: 1st ed. Language: English Publisher: Apress Publication Date: 2018-11-19 ISBN-10: 1484236173 ISBN-13: 9781484236178 Description Create a fully featured application that’s both sophisticated and engaging. This book provides a detailed guide in developing augmented reality games that can take advantage of the advanced capabilities of new iOS devices and code while also offering compatibility with still supported legacy devices. No programming experience is necessary as this book begins on the ground floor with basic programming concepts in Unity and builds to incorporating input from the real world to create interactive realities. You’ll learn to program with the Unity 2017 development platform using C#. Recent announcements of increased AR capabilities on the latest iPhones and iPads show a clear dedication on Apple’s part to this emerging market of immersive games and apps. Unity 2017 is the latest version of this industry leading development platform and C# is a ubiquitous programming language perfect for any programmer to begin with. Using the latest development technologies, Beginning iOS AR Game Development will show you how to program games that interact directly with the real world environment around the user for creative fantastic augmented reality experiences. What You'll Learn Download assets from the Unity store Create a scene in Unity 2017 Use physics and controls on mobile devices Who This Book Is For Beginner programmers and/or people new to developing games using Unity. It also serves as a great introduction to developing AR games and educators teaching the subject at high school or higher levels. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Getting Started Chapter 3: The Unity ARKit Chapter 4: Hit Testing and Lighting Chapter 5: Making AR Games Chapter 6: Introducing Touch Chapter 7: Adding Plane Detection and Point Clouds Chapter 8: Final Steps
2024-05-16 20:42:27 11.91MB VR AR Game ios
前言 由于logstash内存占用较大,灵活性相对没那么好,ELK正在被EFK逐步替代.其中本文所讲的EFK是Elasticsearch+Fluentd+Kfka,实际上K应该是Kibana用于日志的展示,这一块不做演示,本文只讲述数据的采集流程. 前提 docker docker-compose apache kafka服务 架构 数据采集流程 数据的产生使用cadvisor采集容器的监控数据并将数据传输到Kafka. 数据的传输链路是这样: Cadvisor->Kafka->Fluentd->elasticsearch 每一个服务都可以横向扩展,添加服务到日志系统中. 配置文件 dock
2024-05-08 10:13:29 102KB ar arch
2024-04-30 12:40:26 5.16MB ar 微信
用于各种稀疏表示文章的AR数据集 目前csdn的资源里大多都是AR数据集的灰度图 这里是AR数据集的彩色图像 可用于人脸识别、光照处理等 论文“PCA versus LDA" EEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence”裁剪后得到的结果 包含裁剪区域txt和裁剪后得到的图像bmp
2024-04-29 12:25:54 115.3MB ar database 稀疏表示 人脸识别
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2024-04-11 14:07:45 973.23MB unity ar Vuforia