Applying UML and Patterns An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition).pdf UML经典教材
2023-12-17 23:44:26 5.64MB UML 建模
机器学习 05.Advice for applying machine learning 编程作业 jupyter note版本 机器学习与数据挖掘 machine learning
2022-10-12 18:05:16 1.7MB 机器学习 评估学习算法
Brain-Computer Interfaces_Applying our Minds to Human-Computer Interaction Editors Tan_Nijholt ISSN 1571-5035 ISBN 978-1-84996-271-1 e-ISBN 978-1-84996-272-8
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2022-05-04 21:06:16 3.41MB 文档资料 神经网络 人工智能 深度学习
UML和模式应用+Applying+UML+and+Patterns(中文版).pdf 设计模式与UML结合讲解,更能体会到OO设计的思想
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马尔可夫随机场在图像去噪中的应用 这是一个有关在Keras中应用Markov随机场(MRF)进行图像降噪的项目。 在Report.pdf中显示了在MRF中构建修改的迭代条件模式(ICM)和Gibbs采样的机制的详细信息。 数据 应用于降噪和降噪的原始数据集可以分为两部分: 二进制图像:在这种情况下,选择两个具有低分辨率的二进制图像:data / sample1.jpg,data / sample3.jpg来比较ICM和Gibbs采样以在MRF中进行降噪。 RGB图像:此外,选择了分辨率较低的RGB图像:data / sample6.jpg来比较ICM和Gibbs采样,以在MRF中对更复杂的数据结构情况进行降噪。 图像噪声: 在该项目中,图像受到胡椒噪声的干扰,其中选择了随机位置的像素以将其重置为随机有效值。 详细地,对于具有单通道的二进制图像,在唯一的层中添加了胡椒噪声。 而对于具有
2022-01-03 21:01:21 2.66MB JupyterNotebook
(2) 总线空闲 隐性电平,无长度限制(0 亦可)。 本状态下,可视为总线空闲,要发送的单元可开始访问总线。 (3) 延迟传送(发送暂时停止) 8 个位的隐性位。 只在处于被动错误状态的单元刚发送一个消息后的帧间隔中包含的段。
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Applying UML and Patterns 英文第2版.pdf 不是chm转换的,清晰
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符合ISO26262安全标准的ADAS和自动驾驶系统开发, Applying ISO 26262 to ADAS and Automated Driving
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Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) offers engineers powerful opportunities to develop more successful systems, software, hardware, and processes. In Applying Design for Six Sigma to Software and Hardware Systems , two leading experts offer a realistic, step-by-step process for succeeding with DFSS. Their clear, start-to-finish roadmap is designed for successfully developing complex high-technology products and systems that require both software and hardware development. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience leading Six Sigma at Motorola, the authors cover the entire project lifecycle, from business case through scheduling, customer-driven requirements gathering through execution. They provide real-world examples for applying their techniques to software alone, hardware alone, and systems composed of both. Product developers will find proven job aids and specific guidance about what teams and team members need to do at every stage. Using this book’s integrated, systems approach, marketers, software professionals, and hardware developers can converge all their efforts on what really matters: addressing the customer’s true needs. Learn how to Ensure that your entire team shares a solid understanding of customer needs Define measurable critical parameters that reflect customer requirements Thoroughly assess business case risk and opportunity in the context of product roadmaps and portfolios Prioritize development decisions and scheduling in the face of resource constraints Flow critical parameters down to quantifiable, verifiable requirements for every sub-process, subsystem, and component Use predictive engineering and advanced optimization to build products that robustly handle variations in manufacturing and usage Verify system capabilities and reliability based on pilots or early production samples Master new statistical techniques for ensuring that supply chains deliver on time, with minimal inventory Choose the right DFSS tools, using the authors’ step-by-step flowc
2021-11-19 20:23:18 5.55MB Eric Maass DFSS