Apress Pro ASP NET Web API Security securing asp net web api About the Author Badrinarayanan Lakshmiraghavan has more than fourteen years of information technology experience in all phases of the software development life cycle including technology consulting and advisory roles in multiple technologies He has been programming on the Microsoft technology stack from the days of Visual Basic 3 0 Badri currently is a senior technology architect with Global Technology Consulting Microsoft Center of Excellence of Cognizant NASDAQ: CTSH a Fortune 500 company He speaks three languages: Tamil English and C# Badri’s coordinates are 12 9758° N 80 2205° E on the third rock from the yellow dwarf star that lies close to the inner rim of the Orion arm of the Milky Way Galaxy ">Apress Pro ASP NET Web API Security securing asp net web api About the Author Badrinarayanan Lakshmiraghavan has more than fourteen years of information technology experience in all phases of the software development life cycle including technology consulting and advisory roles in multiple techn [更多]
2022-04-29 18:58:18 5.23MB apress webapi asp.net
2021-06-18 21:03:06 78KB 安全相关
MindAPI 整理API骇客攻击命令! ·· 目录 关于该项目 我喜欢思维导图。 在与同事进行安全性研究或集思广益时,它们有助于保持我的方法论。 考虑到这一点,我决定通过创建MindAPI在社区中传播一些爱。 如今,API已成为所有现代应用程序的一部分。 创建一些可以帮助安全社区评估API的东西,同时通过使我的工作有条不紊地组织起来对我有帮助。 MindAPI是一种思维导图,结合了多年测试API安全性的经验。 它分为两部分: 侦察 测试(遵循OWASP API安全性十大准则和其他安全性准则) 在这两种方法上,您都有指导方针,指向开源工具的链接以及可为您提供帮助的文档。 建于 该项目是在以下帮助下构建的: 路线图 有关建议的功能(和已知问题)列表,请参阅的问题。 贡献 贡献使开源社区成为了一个令人赞叹的学习,启发和创造场所。 您所做的任何贡献都将不胜感激。 分叉项目 提交您的
2021-03-25 13:07:40 212KB hacking methodology mindmap api-security