Mark L. Murphy, "The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development, Version 8.6" English | June 2017 | ISBN: 0981678009 | 4545 pages | PDF | 79.63 MB The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development for Android Studio 2.2, covering the Android SDK through 7.1. Do you want current information about how to develop Android apps? This book covers the latest Android Studio version and the latest version of Android, plus all the information you need to get your apps working on older devices. This book contains over 200 chapters, covering everything from the first steps in getting an app going to advanced development techniques. The core chapters — representing ~900 pages — are set up as a typical programming guide, covering the basics of getting an Android app up and running. The book includes material on setting up your development tools, constructing a user interface, loading data from a local database or the Internet, handling the differences between phones and tablets, and much more. The core chapters also include an integrated set of 18 tutorials, offering you step-by-step guides for creating an Android application from scratch. Hence, whether you "learn by reading" or "learn by doing", you have the material in the core chapters to accomplish your goal. The rest of the book comprises the trails. These are linked sets of chapters covering advanced topics, organized by theme. However, while the core chapters are designed to be read in sequence, the trails are designed to be read on an as-needed basis, when you want to dive into those specific topics.
2023-04-13 01:13:16 79.63MB Android
ModuleApi 适用于Android开发的跨模块调用组件。 ModuleApi是基于微信Android终端的中的api思想而设计的,并做了一定的优化。 配置与使用 在工程的build.gradle中添加依赖 buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { // 添加对ModuleApi代码生成插件的依赖 classpath ' ' }
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For Complete Beginners to Android! If you’re completely new to Android or developing in Kotlin, this is the book for you. Android Apprentice takes you all the way from building your first app, to submitting your app for sale. By the end of this book, you’ll be experienced enough to turn your vague ideas into real apps that you can release on the Google Play Store. You’ll build 4 complete apps from scratch — each app is a little more complicated than the previous one. Together, these apps will teach you how to work with the most common controls and APIs used by Android developers around the world. And these aren’t simple apps, either; you’ll build everything from a simple game, to a checklist app, a map-based app, and a podcast manager and player! We’ve also included some bonus sections on handling the Android fragmentation problem, how to keep your app up-to-date, preparing your app for release, testing your app, and publishing it for the world to enjoy! If you’re new to Android programming, you need a guide that: Shows you how to write an app step-by-step With tons of illustrations and screenshots to make everything clear In a fun and easygoing manner! We’ve written this book in Kotlin: the new, modern, first-class language for Android developers. You’ll be at the leading edge of Android developers everywhere as you learn how to develop in the fluid and expressive Kotlin language. The Android Apprentice is your best companion for learning Android development. With all project source code included with the book, and support forums right on our site, it’s simply the best way to start your Android development career.
2022-10-24 05:05:41 62.17MB Android Apprenti
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2022-03-15 09:58:22 166KB android kotlin-android android-development Kotlin
Android Anatomy and Physiology是Android开发的经典文档,深入介绍了android中一些重要概念,比如bionic,binder等。对于android的开发者而言,是很好的入门文档,对了解android的整个框架非常有帮助。同时这篇是该文档的中文翻译,照顾到了初学者以方便入门。
2022-01-05 19:18:24 1024KB Android development linux java
Head First Android Development 第二版源代码+资源文件,官方最新更新,原书配套;
2021-11-17 19:29:24 8.28MB Android  源代码 素材文件
VirtualApp工程 全新体验,多种优化 特性 高级,高稳定性,修复重建错误等等 本内核仅供开发人员参考,请勿构建成品并发表到任何地方 仅供自行测试使用 如有修改建议欢迎提交PR 本项目为商业版开源,修改可看commit 开源网站太多使用旧版泄露版商业版或者垃圾版本冒充商业版 不仅不完善,还有一堆问题。 本项目用于清理过时的外售技术,促进开源社区发展 注意,源代码需要遵守GPLv3协议进行开源请使用本工程的项目注明出处
2021-06-28 22:25:27 3.96MB hook android-development virtualapp sandhook
NiceBottomBar 轻巧的Android材质底部导航栏库 GIF 用法 在res / menu /文件夹下创建menu.xml <? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?> < item android:id= " @+id/item1 " android:title= " @string/search " android
AndroidArchitectureComponent 带有Room数据库,视图模型和实时数据的Android体系结构组件 该示例展示了以下体系结构组件: 介绍 产品特点 该示例包含两个屏幕:交货清单和交货明细视图。 表示层 表示层由以下组件组成: 一个主要活动,处理2个片段。 显示交货清单的片段。 一个片段,用于显示带有Google Map的交货详细信息。 该应用程序为表示层使用Model-View-ViewModel(MVVM)架构。 每个片段对应一个MVVM视图。 View和ViewModel使用LiveData和以下设计原则进行通信: ViewModel对象没有对活动,片段或Android视图的引用。 这会导致配置更改(例如屏幕旋转)泄漏,因为系统会在对应视图的整个生命周期中保留ViewModel。 ViewModel对象使用LiveData对象公开数据。 LiveData允许您观察应用程序多个组件之间的数据更改,而无需在它们之间创建明确且严格的依赖路径。 视图(包括本示例中使用的片段)订阅了相应的LiveData对象。 由于LiveData具有生命周期感知功