aecg-hl7协议(英文)。有需要的下, The Annotated ECG (aECG) HL7 standard was created in response to the FDA’s digital ECG initiative introduced November, 2001. The FDA continues to be concerned about evaluating noncardiac drugs for negative cardiac effects, like prolonged QT. Before this initiative, sponsors were already submitting ECG findings tabulations (e.g. QT interval measurements) with their applications. However, the FDA could not systematically evaluate the ECG waveforms and measurement locations those findings came from. Most (if not all) ECGs in current trials were collected with paper and not electronically retained. The next logical step for the FDA was to ask for the digital waveforms and measurement locations (annotations) be made available with the application.
2022-05-12 16:17:51 281KB hl7 aecg
C#ECG工具包是一个开源软件工具包,用于转换,查看和打印心电图。 该工具包是使用C#.NET 2.0开发的(代码还支持3.5和4.0)。 支持ECG格式:SCP-ECG,DICOM,HL7 aECG,ISHNE和MUSE-XML。
2021-05-11 17:00:01 1.61MB 开源软件
HL7 aECG知道实现文档,从官网上下载的,有aECG各部分的详细说明和xml例子
2019-12-21 21:54:41 324KB HL7 aECG