在安装Android Studio有时会遇到启动模拟器时提示HAXM错误,就是缺少Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator(HAXM installer)驱动。这时需要打开Android Studio,选择菜单栏"File->Settings",在弹出的“Settings”对话框中,选择“Appearance&Behavior->System Settings->Android SDK",之后选择"SDK Tools",再来选中"Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator(HAXM installer)",最后点击"Apply",进行安装HAXM。有时通过Android Studio无法自动安装HAXM,此时则需要手动进行安装。这里提供了Windows版安装包下载。
2022-11-11 09:24:02 491KB haxm Intel_haxm Android_haxm haxm_installer
pyFEL Genesis 1.3 V4的无耻python克隆 描述 该项目旨在开发与Genesis 1.3 V4几乎100%兼容的软件包。 计划进行一些增强: 当存在计算加速器(如GPU,多核CPU)时,Opencl后端可加快仿真速度。 添加了以TOML和JSON格式描述输入文件的可能性 晶格元素的插件接口可简化新光束转换的创建。 加速腔和多极/组合功能磁体 并行随机发生器(PCG64),可在任意数量的MPI节点上进行可重现的仿真。 测试!!!
2022-11-07 11:55:14 37KB simulation physics particle-accelerator free-ele
Essential Issues in SOC Design Designing Complex Systems-on-Chip 是SOC设计必备的专业书籍。
2022-05-05 10:14:02 5.11MB hardware accelerator FPGA design
Unity3d 商店付费资源 适用于2d方形格子 和 2D菱形格子的Tile Map地图编辑插件 运行效率高,同屏支持超多格子 在Unity3d 2022.1版本中亲测可用
2022-04-06 01:13:16 2.58MB unity 3d 游戏引擎 地图
报告SHA256硬件加速器-数字系统 司机 应用 测验 介绍 该项目的目的是设计一种SHA256硬件加速器,它将由Digilent合成并映射到Zybo板的Zynq内核上。 硬件模块将具有一个符合AXI的包装器,该包装器可以使用AXI协议在特定的寄存器上进行输入和输出输出。 必须设计一个驱动程序并将其添加到板上上传的GNU / Linux软件堆栈中,以与SHA256硬件正确交互。 最重要的是,将编写一个用户应用程序来测试系统的正确功能。 SHA256算法的更多信息以及伪代码可以在Wikipedia上找到。 规格 硬件 SHA256硬件模块的核心包括一个数据路径(一个控制输入信号并产生由控制信号驱动的最终散列),以及一个控制单元(FSM),该FSM提供控制信号。 我实现SHA256数据路径的基本思想是受Chavez,Kuzmanov,Sousa和Vassiliadis的论文中描述的一些优
2022-03-10 09:50:07 25.06MB fpga hardware accelerator vhdl
Modeling Deep Learning Accelerator Enabled GPUs.pdf
2022-01-30 09:09:03 9.39MB GPUs
fpga-ml-促进剂 该存储库托管用于卷积神经网络的基于FPGA的加速器的代码,有关整个设计和设计原理的非常详细的说明, 。 该存储库以前位于
2021-12-27 19:32:07 15KB asic fpga hardware vhdl
NEW! Unity 2019.3 Universal Rendering Pipeline support! X-Frame FPS Accelerator reduces lag and contributes to higher FPS (Frames Per Second) providing a smooth gameplay to your users. X-Frame is intended for mobile devices (Android and iOS tested) and HDPI screens. As mobile screens pack more and more pixels per inch, you can afford losing some pixels to get those extra FPS when needed. Download X-Frame demo and try it in your project before purchasing. Contact us by email if you have any question. X-Frame works best with scenes with heavy shaders and/or image effects. Includes several methods from static downsamplers which apply specified optimizations regardless of current fps to an adaptative method which varies the image quality depending on current FPS. X-Frame, although customizable, has been designed to work out-of-the-box, just add the main script to your camera and you will gain immediate FPS. You can customize: • the downsampling method (2 static + 1 dynamic adaptative algorithms). • the desired minimum FPS. • the minimum acceptable quality. This minimum can range from a very low value to get the maximum FPS when needed to a high value to get some extra FPS but without loosing too much image quality. • a minimum quality when camera is not moving or rotating. • a nice FPS factor, beyond this X-Frame seamlessly deactivates, reactivating itself again if FPS drops. • optional antialias + sharpen pass. • dynamic control of pixel light count + shadows management. • advanced options based on users feedback based on real cases – quality adaptation speed, rendering methods, … • supports standard/builtin, LWRP and URP. • designed for mobile or high resolution screen devices (VR not recommended). Get X-Frame FPS Accelerator now and boost your mobile game performance! Support Forum | Youtube Channel Even more cool assets!
2021-12-21 11:10:07 121B unity
DianNao系列, ASPLOS, 2015发表的一篇论文,PuDianNao:A Polyvalent Machine Learning Accelerator
2021-12-19 15:47:58 2.27MB PuDianNao DianNao 寒武纪
CNN加速器 卷积神经网络加速器硬件单元 CNN加速器的卷积和池化层算法的详细设计。 该系统适用于灰度图像(每个像素的范围在0到255之间)。 该项目的主要目标是构建加速器模块。
2021-11-23 21:38:48 11.65MB VHDL