含DEMO和皮肤,不收积分,不收人民币,不含源码,要求完美的请购买正版,不喜勿下! 亲测可用,仅供学习和交流,请低调使用,如果用于商业用途,推荐购买正版,不喜勿下! 参考教程: DELPHI XE5安装AlphaControls9.04 http://blog.csdn.net/zengcong2013/article/details/12236547 DELPHI XE5 让AlphaControls9.04改变DevExpress13.1.4皮肤 http://blog.csdn.net/zengcong2013/article/details/35569051
2022-11-14 14:41:58 44.41MB AlphaControl XE4 XE5 XE6
Changelog: ========== 2015-04-23 (5.91) - Fixed: IDEFixPack didn't take into account that DB.TFlatList uses late loading through GetCount - Fixed: fastdcc32/64/aarm in XE7 and XE8 didn't load the CompilerSpeedPack into the compiler's process 2015-04-21 (5.9) - Added: Fix for QC 71270, 76338 and 76379. "CodeInsight doesn't like the underscore." - Added: TStringList.IndexOfName optimization - Fixed: FieldAddress optimization could fail if a published field name was also used in an ancestor 2015-02-15 (5.8) - Added: Compiler cleanup code performance optimization for large packages - Added: If XE7's rlink32.dll is detected in older Delphi versions the "too many resources to handle" patch is skipped - Changed: Installer/Uninstaller doesn't require rtl.bpl/vcl.bpl in the PATH anymore - Improved: IDE Fix Pack StringLists use CompareStringOrdinal instead of CompareString 2014-09-16 (5.71) - Improved: EditorLineBreak.ttr patch not only prevents the file loading but also deletes/renames the existing file 2014-08-25 (5.7) - Added: TObject.FieldAddress optimization for DFM loading - Added: Fix for QC 111917: RLINK32: Too many resources to handle. Instead of 3626 it can now handle 65534 resource items - Added: String function replacements without STRINGCHECKS - Added: Fix for "class operator In" class completion - Added: IDEFixPackReg*.exe supports command line parameter /EXTRACT that extracts the files instead of installing them - Added: Disable creation of EditorLineEnd.ttr 解决 EditorLineEnd.ttr 占用问题
2022-09-04 14:15:59 2.19MB IDEFixPack
支持Ansi Unicode UTF8加密解密(支持多位,CSDN上XE2 AES加密解密只支持16位,好东西要分享)。
2022-07-12 23:47:36 66KB XE8\XE10 AESAnsi Unicode UTF8
Delphi XE5/XE6 民币小写转大写 android&ios 学习xe5/xe6,参考别人代码写的
2022-04-30 15:01:30 93KB Delphi XE5/XE6 android&ios
The IDE sometimes disables the editor’s undo system to do some text extractions. In combination with a disabled “Keep trailing blanks” and/or an active “Optimal fill” this could cause the undo system to become out of sync with the editor content. IDE Fix Pack turns on/off those options when undo is temporarily disabled so that no unexpected automatic editor buffer changes happen. Especially Delphi 2009 is affected by this, newer versions fixed (almost?) all of these gaps.
2022-01-13 22:49:48 178KB IDEFixPack Delphi
VirtualTreeView For (XE3,XE4,XE5,XE6,XE7,XE8,XE10,XE10.1,XE10.2) 支持Delphi高版本控件,欢迎下载
2021-09-30 09:51:59 3.14MB Virtual TreeView Delphi 树控件
解压后,有一个Installer文件夹,里面有EhLibInstaller.exe,双击后,选择你当前使用的DELPHI版本,然后点击nstall按钮,DELPHI7测试通过 安装结束后,可以在安装目录下面的X:\Borland\Delphi7\Components\EhLib查看适合你版本的文件 进入DELPHI在面板栏多出一个EhLib,说明安装成完成了。 补充说明: 1、WINDOWS7/WINDOWS8必须以管理员身份运行EhLibInstaller.exe 2、64位系统安装后启动DELPHI7,注意是DELPHI7这些低版本,报错“EHLIB70.bpl”丢失,解决方案:将EhLib路径添加到系统变量PATH路径中,注意用分号;和前面的其他程序的参数隔开
2020-01-29 03:15:01 13.5MB EhLib D7 XE5 XE6
解压后XE7有编译文件,其他版本需要修改编译文件,请阅读说明文档; 另附一键安装工具下载地址(CSDN下载0积分、不要积分): http://download.csdn.net/detail/wozengcong/8395245 另附14.2.2帮助文档下载地址(CSDN下载0积分、不要积分): http://download.csdn.net/detail/wozengcong/8395133 拥有180多种VCL界面控件,功能丰富且易于上手 DevExpress VCL Subscription 是 Devexpress公司旗下用户界面产品套包,包含该公司所有VCL控件产品和 ASP.NET控件产品以及相关产品的完整源码。所包含的控件有:数据录入,图表,数据分析,导航,布局,网格,日程管理,样式,打印和工作流等,让您快速开发出完美、强大的VCL应用程序!DevExpress VCL Subscription曾用名为"Developer Express VCL Subscription"。 【适用范围】:VCL应用程序开发
2019-12-21 21:56:30 422.89MB DevExpress XE XE5 XE6