Enhance Your Delphi Application with Drop-in Shell Functionality •Includes 18 visual and non-visual components •Create Explorer-like applications within minutes with JamShellTree, the JamShellList and the JamShellCombo •Easy drop-in: Just drop the UI components right on your own forms or dialogs •Use checkboxes with JamShellTree, JamShellList, JamFileList and JamDriveList Icons and thumbnails are queried in background threads. This optimizes the reactivity and does not slow down the speed of the user interface. Look-and-Feel of the Windows Explorer •Windows Shell context menu (can be extended with a Delphi popmenu) •OLE drag-and-drop with the Windows Explorer and similar applications •Different view styles: The JamShellList and the JamFileList support small icons, large icons, extra large icons, details mode and thumbnails •Overlay icons supported •Installed Shell extensions, which are supported by the Windows Explorer, are also supported by the ShellBrowser Delphi Edition •TJamSystemShellView instances the right pane of the real Windows Explorer •Background context menu in the JamShelllist is supported How-to Guides •Comprehensive documentation of the included controls •Several sample projects for basic and advanced features of ShellBrowser Delphi Edition included Transparent Costs •The ShellBrowser Delphi Edition is royalty free and involves no runtime fees 100% Delphi Code•The controls are based on the Delphi VCL and are written in 100% Object Pascal code •No additional DLLs or ActiveX controls are necessary
2024-05-24 14:33:01 23.16MB
5.20.14 ! There could be an AV when using multiple instances of the component. 5.20.13 + It's now possible to write unusual URL:s, like "oink://SaysTheSow". The condition is: a string of ascii chars followed by "://" is parsed as an URL. ! Pictures could be mixed up. ! Unicode chars in pivot tables could cause invalid files or wrong characters. ! Some properties in DataValidations where not written. 5.20.12 ! Sometimes when inserting rows where formulas not adjuset correct. ! Merged cells where not adjusted correct when deleting last col/row in a merged cell. 在Delphi中读取Excel文件,使用CreateOleObject的方式挺讨厌的,一直搞不定,输出了文件之后,总会在系统中打开一个Excel,就算Quit也不行,一个程序中使用的多了,还不定搞出什么事情来。狠狠心找个其它的东西来代替,于是发现了XlsReadWriteII。 使用之后发现这个东西真不错,简单好用。不管是读还是写均轻松搞定。 使用代码举例: http://blog.csdn.net/zengcong2013/article/details/18714417
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Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Windows Update1版
2024-03-03 18:22:21 78B
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